Adaptive Leadership Workshop For Women

TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU and the Pacific Leadership Program facilitated an Adaptive Leadership Workshop for women representatives of organisations in Port Vila at the Vanuatu National Profident Fund (VNPF) Conference Centre.

Over 15 attended the one day workshop focused on adaptive leadership. “Leadership is not a position, it is an exercise” explained Mr. Wilson Toa, the facilitator, from Transparency International Vanuatu.

That was the beginning of a full day of discussions, comments, and questions. The workshop was originally a three day program but has been compressed into a single day, nevertheless the workshop clarified unspoken leadership categories to many of the workshop participants.

In every society, from a tiny preschool children’s group to a community leadership council there are systems that exist.

For example, a youth association made up of over twenty young people is technically a ‘system’. In operational regard, a system is a properly organised mechanism that work to support each other for an objective purpose. They are; for each, with each other, there for each other, and rely each other to survive.

“A system fails to function not because one of its mechanisms is absent, but because the whole system failed to adapt to the absence of its absent mechanism”.

“This is a great workshop,” expressed a Port Vila Municipality Councillor who was one the few female candidates who had secured a seat at the Port Vila Municipal Council under the reserved seats program.

The participants had to opportunity to learn and recognise the differences between technical and adaptive leadership styles; so if there is an adaptive problem, you do not need a technical solution, you need an adaptive solution.

Surrounded by individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives, how can a leader perform to the best interest of the whole group?

“All of us are facing these challenge, hopefully this workshop will help us to identify solutions” said a participant. That is true, the workshop aims to help the participant identify the individual, recognize the who is related to who, know and categorise the problem, develop an adaptive plan, implement the solution.

Several groupings have requested the Adaptive Leadership Workshop and preparation is underway to deliver this intensive leadership training to them.

WATCH: Dr. Andrina Thomas talks about the Adaptive Leadership Workshop.

WATCH: Doreen Talks About Her Adaptive Leadership Learning.

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