
Our Future

Education and inform citizens with right information to enable a future that is free from corruption.

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Students Workshop

Civic Education

We take the lead in Civic Education

Since the early 2000’s we have maintained our stance for a Vanuatu where its people are fully informed of their constitutional right and duties. 

We believe that an informed citizen is an effective citizen who is empowered to participate in democratic processes and can make justified decisions.

Transparency Vanuatu has and will continue to deliver its Civic Education program at all levels of the society; in communities, church groups, in the private sector, the public sector, to leaders of all levels and including parliamentarians.

With the support of our development partners Transparency Vanuatu has also been able to print thousands of Vanuatu Constitution Booklets and distributed them throughout the Vanuatu Archipelago. 



About Us

Vision, Mission and Values

Our Mission

Our mission is to stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability, and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of our society. 

Our Values

Our Core Values are transparency, accountability, integrity, solidarity, courage, justice, and democracy. These Core Values are linked with the six values enshrined in our Constitution: Respect, Dedication, Justice, Honesty, Responsibility, and Concern. 

Our Vision

The vision of Transparency Vanuatu is that Vanuatu be a place in which government, politics, business, civil society, and the daily lives of its people are free of corruption. 

Since 2001

We are Transparency Vanuatu, established in Vanuatu in 2001 to combat corruption across all levels of society through community awareness activities, legal assistance through out Advocacy & Legal Advice Centre, media advocacy and legislative reform 

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