1000 Constitution Books For Tanna

THIS TIME NEXT WEEK Transparency International Vanuatu will have already distributed 1000 constitution books in the Bislama language in several communities and schools around the island of Tanna. The constitution books were translated into Bislama by Transparency International Vanuatu and have been in distribution since 2013.

In November of 2015 when officers from TIV visited Santo they gave away over 500 constitutions books to members of the public in Luganville. They also distributed more books to the community of Port Olry in east Santo and Mavunlep village in south Santo.

The TIV Team that will be leaving for Tanna on Sunday the 21st and will return to Port Vila on the 28th February, and they aim to return with empty boxes. Transparency International Vanuatu believes that the information contained in a document such as the national constitution should be available to every citizen.

TIV believes that a well-informed citizen can be able to participate more effectively in nation building.

For more information regarding constitution books please contact the Transparency International Vanuatu office at; 25715. TIV officers are also available to conduct short awareness programs in any requesting community surrounding the contents of the national constitution and the ideals behind it.

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