Prime Minister Issues Safety Precautions Following Bribery Case Verdict

THE PRIME MINISTER has send a letter to Chief Tursupe, the President of the Malvatumauri Council of Chiefs, for assistance “to support the government’s determination to endure the determination to ensure the prevalence of peace in the greater Port Vila area”, this follows the scheduled judgement of the bribery case which is to handed down tomorrow at the Supreme Court.

In the letter dated 8th October, the Prime Minister said that he was informed that “rumours are circulating of possible civil unrest in Port Vila.” He further cautioned that “whether we can count on these rumors or not we need to be on alert and take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of the population of Port Vila and their properties.”

The Prime Minster said that instructions have been issued to the Vanuatu Police Force to be on alert. To the President of Malvatumauri he stated that the “assistance of your council and Chief representatives living in Port Vila to appeal for calm during this period and to allow justice to take its course would be greatly appreciated.”

Friday the 9th of October at 2:00pm, Judge Sey is expected to hand down the courts verdict on the bribery case.

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