Title of Consultancy: Transparency International Vanuatu Management Accounts

Application Closing Date: 30/09/2018

Duration: Approximately 15 days

Consultancy Start and End Date: approx. 01/10/2018– 31/10/2018

Location of Consultancy: Port Vila, Vanuatu.


Transparency International (TI) is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. In collaboration with more than 100 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, Germany, TI raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it.

Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) is a non-governmental organization based in Port Vila, Vanuatu, and the accredited National Chapter of TI in Vanuatu. TIV is seeking an external consultant to assist in the production of its organizational financial statements for the period 2015 – 2017.  The production of yearly accounts, including total income and expenditure, and an external verification of these accounts, is a requirement for TIV’s continued accreditation as a National Chapter of the TI movement.

Currently, TIV does not have capacity to produce organization-wide accounts and is therefore seeking an external consultant to assist in their production.

The consultant will be appointed by TIV, through funding provided the Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S), in order to provide accounting services under the terms established below. The consultant will provide the deliverables identified below under a), b) and d) to both TI-S and TV during the month of October 2018.

Scope of the accounting services

The Compilation of a set of financial statements for the 36-month period beginning on 01-01-2015 and ending 31-12-2017 based on the following criteria, established by TI-S.

  1. The financial statements will be compiled on a cash basis, and include:                          
    1. Disclosure of the complete cash available, at bank and on hand, at the beginning and at the end of the period, agreed to the respective statements received from the bank and with a signed petty cash count.
    2. Complete disclosure of the transactions for the period, including:   
      1. All receipts of income, differentiated as Grant Income, Finance Income, Memberships and Donations, Other Income. In dedicated notes, any receipt of Grant Income and Donation Income higher than 12,500 VATU will be disclosed separately, with indication of the Donor and the related project. Any receipt of Other Income higher than 50,000 VATU will be disclosed separately, with indication of the origin and rationale.
      2. All payments occurring during the period, differentiating by nature in reasonable detail and at a minimum: Staff Costs, Office Running Costs, Finance Costs and Other Costs. With reference to project-related expenditure, in a separate note, the accountant will indicate the total costs incurred by project.

To support the financial statement, the consultant will:

  1. ensure that  a complete set of bookings, identifying each underlying transaction, is available and
  2. ensure that the transactions identified are traceable to supporting documentation that can be adequately substantiated in case of independent verification.

To collect the documentation under b.), the consultant will rely on the support provided by the staff of TV, and will have access to their premises. In the case of transactions being noted where adequate supporting documentation is not available, the consultant will produce:

  1. a list of inadequate substantiated transactions, indicating their amount, date, nature, documentation available (if any) and rationale for missing documentation as provided by TV.


The compilation of the financial statements is expected to take place in October, to allow an audit to take place in November/ December this year.

Qualifications of the consultant

  • The consultant is a professional with at least five years experience in bookkeeping.
  • The consultant has proven expertise in the preparation of fund accountability statements, of project-accounting and of liaison with external auditors for verification, which must be documented in their CV.

Application Process

Please send your cover letter outlining daily fees and expected number of days, CV and 2 references from previous clients to by 30 September 2018.





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