After over 10 years of developing, networking, lobbying, and challenges the Right To Information (RTI) Law begins its enforcement phase.
The First Order for the implementation of the Right To Information Act has been enforced by the Deputy Prime Minister Honourable Joe Natuman on behalf of the Prime Minister.
Seven Government Departments are covered in this First Order of the RTI Act, they are:
1. Department of Statistics.
2. Department of Agriculture.
3. Department of Forestry.
4. Department of Livestock.
5. Department of Customs.
6. Office of the Government’s Chief Information Officer.
7. Department of Tourism.The First Order by the Prime Minister of Vanuatu regarding the implementation of the Right To Information Act has been enforced by the Deputy Prime Minister Honourable Joe Natuman.
Seven Government Departments are covered in this First Order of the RTI Act. They are: 1. Department of Statistics.
2. Department of Agriculture.
3. Department of Forestry.
4. Department of Livestock.
5. Department of Customs.
6. Office of the Government’s Chief Information Officer.
7. Department of Tourism.

To access information a citizen can use any form of medium to request information from a department.
Upon receipt of an information request the department concern is legally required to provide the requested information.
This enforcement order means citizens can now access or request information from the listed departments under the Right To Information Law.
To access information a citizen can use any form of medium to request information from a department.
Upon receipt of an information request the department concern is legally required to provide the requested information.
RTI Unit Website: