International Youth Week Motivates Youth To Participate In Civic Education Program

FROM 12 – 16 AUGUST young people around Vanuatu celebrated the International Youth Week at Arep Junior Secondary School in Sola, TORBA province.

The three days event gathered more than 200 young people from the six provinces of Vanuatu including the two municipal areas of Luganville and Port Vila.IYD_20152 copy

Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) was privileged to be part of the event to facilitated workshops and debates to motivate youth engagement in civic awareness.

TIV’s Civic Education Coordinator Douglas Tamara said that most pf the youth agreed that it is time youth start to be involved in civic education programs to help make a change in all levels of society whether it be in politics, family, church or in schools.

Mr. Tamara conducted several activities coinciding with the 2015 theme: “Youth Civic Engagement”, from August 12th – 14th.

At the end of the three days workshop, each province came up with a one year work plan to be submitted to the Vanuatu National Youth Council for assistance.

“TIV will be working alongside VNYC for the next 12 months to assist the youth in the provinces to achieve their work plans. And in the next International Youth Week, which will be held in in Penama, each province will present their achievements, or progresses on their work plans,” Mr. Tamara said.

The President of Vanuatu, the Minister for Youth and Sports and another member of parliament, and the Director and Director General for Agriculture also attended the one week event in SOLA.

The other stake holders who facilitated other workshops during the event were the Telecommunications and Radio Communications (TRR), UNICEF, Vanuatu Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET), and the Correctional Services.

The event was organised by the Vanuatu National Youth Council (VNYC).

Photo supplied by VNYC Media.

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