Judge Warns Moana Carcasses Not To Interfere With Witnesses In Bribery Case

JUDGE MARY MAM YASSIN SEY has warned Moana Carcasses Kalosil this morning in court not to interfere with any of the witnesses in the bribery case.

Justice Mary Sey said defendants should not in any way interfere, talk to or threaten any witnesses that will testify or that has testified in court before, during and after the bribery case, as it is against the law.

This warning resulted from an accusation by a witness who claimed to have been threatened by Moana Carcasses.

The witness, who testified in court last week for the prosecution, is Mrs. Sophie Mera, Wife of the Member of Parliament for Ambae Richard Mera. According to the court Mrs. Mera visited the police station this morning to make a statement against Moana Carcasses for apparently threatening her.

The accused Minister of Trade denied the accusations in court when announced by the prosecution.

Judge Mary Sey warned Mr. Kalosil that if this type of behavior continues, she will be forced to revoke the bail conditions and have him kept in the correctional services until the court case is over.

Transparency International Vanuatu understands that the police are currently investigating in to the matter.

Meanwhile the prosecution called five witnesses into the question box this morning.

Member of Parliament for Epi Isaac Hamariliu was the first witnesses in court this morning. He told the court that he was approached by Moana in 2014 outside the Unelco Office and was verbally offered a loan of VT 5 million. Two other witnesses who followed MP Isaac during that time confirmed to the court that they saw Moana and MP Isaac talking at the car park.

Meanwhile, the Director General for the Ministry of Education also related to the court that he witnessed MP John Tesei Nawai showing to the former Minister for Education Bob Loughman a bundle of VT5000 notes, saying he was “tired of doing those corrupt practices”.

The last witness of the morning session was an officer from the Customs and Inland Revenue department, Mr. John Sala. Mr. Sala confirmed to the court that there was no Greens Confederation Community Development Fund business registered in the registry.

The prosecution will call another MP as a witnesses including a witness from the Reserve Bank this afternoon in court.

VIDEO:The defendants leaving the court after their plea hearing.

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