TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU (TIV) Officers have met with the Secretary General of TAFEA Province to inform him of TIV’s Community Awareness Program on the island of Tanna this week (20th to the 24th).

In 2016 TIV Officers conducted extensive community consultations throughout the island of Tanna on the Right To Information (RTI) Bill. Immediately after the RTI Bill was passed by Parliament in December 2016 preparations for another round of community awarenesses was planned to inform the people on the implementation phases of the RTI LAW.
On Tuesday the 21st of March the TIV officers currently on the island will visit Bethel community before moving on the villages of Lamnatu, Kwaramanu, and Manuapen.
On Wednesday the 22nd an awareness will be held at the Lenakel Market House before the team will move out again to visit several more villages.