Informing The People – Download Your Newsletter Issue 1 2017

FROM 2015 TO THE END OF 2016 Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) was heavily involved in the Right To Information (RTI) Bill nationwide community consultation.

Working in partnership with the Governments Right To Information Unit and the Media Association of Vanuatu the consultation process on the Right To Information Bill reached over 15,000 people throughout the 15 main islands of Vanuatu and including some of the smaller islands with 400 to 1,000 people.

The consultation process did not only visit the main centers on the islands but ventured further into villages that have never been part of any consultation process.

A lot of people raised concerns that the current laws in Vanuatu that directly affect people at the grassroots level could put a lot of confused people in prison, because by not being part of the consultation process and with no opportunity to learn and educate themselves of the laws that govern Vanuatu we are creating a vulnerable generation that will have to learn from mistakes rather than be informed to avoid mistakes.

The Right To Information Bill was unanimously passed by Parliament in November of 2016, and it officially became the Right To Information Law on the 6th of February 2017. Regarded as the ‘Peoples Law’ it is important out to reach out to the people who had been part of the consultation process, and to inform them of the becoming of the Right To Information Law and how it will be implemented.

It is also important to inform other people that had not been part of the consultation process because they also have the right to know.

So from the 15th to the 17th of March 2017 a TIV Team conducted and distributed RTI Law information throughout the island of Tongoa. And on the same month from the 19th to the 25th the same program was conducted around the island of Tanna.

This newsletter highlights the activities that were carried on these two islands including photos and links.



“Thank You For Our Right To Information” – Tanna Island.

“Thank you for the Right To Information Law” are the words that are highlighting Transparency International Vanuatu’s (TIV) travels throughout the island of Tanna.

Informing people along the roads of South East Tanna.

“Thank you to the Government and the MP’s for passing the Right To Information Law,” expressed the Chief of Bethel community,”a lot has been said by politicians on what they plan to do, but so little has been done. This law will help know of their progress.”

At every village that the TIV Team visited there was a round of applause before further information on the implementation phases of the RTI Law was delivered to them.

Informing the Tribal Chiefs of Middle Bush, Tanna Island.

“This is different from other awarenesses” explains TIV Advocacy Officer Douglas Tamara.”They applaud our visit because they took part in the consultation process of the RTI Bill before it became law. They supported the RTI Bill, and they said that their MP’S must support the RTI Bill because that is what their people want. And now that the RTI Bill has moved to become Right To Information Law they are very grateful for having been involved in the law making process.”

Informing people along the roads we travel – Tanna Island.

This rider was informed on his way to the garden.
Kwamera Primary School.

Bethel Community.
Informing the community leaders of Isaka Village.

“Thank you for our right to information. On behalf of the mothers we are grateful, because  we would like to know how our fees at the Lenakel Market House is being used to develop the market” said a women leader at Lenakel.
The TIV Team is expected to visited several communities before returning to Port Vila this Saturday.


Right  To Information Law Awareness On Tanna Island 

TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU  (TIV) Officers have met with the Secretary General of TAFEA Province to inform him of TIV’s Community Awareness Program on the island of Tanna this week (20th to the 24th).

TAFEA Provincial Headquarters

In 2016 TIV Officers conducted extensive community consultations throughout the island of Tanna on the Right To Information (RTI) Bill. Immediately after the RTI Bill was passed by Parliament in December 2016 preparations for another round of community awarenesses was planned to inform the people on the implementation phases of the RTI LAW.

On Tuesday the 21st of March the TIV officers currently on the island will visit Bethel community before moving on the villages of Lamnatu, Kwaramanu, and Manuapen.

On Wednesday the 22nd an awareness will be held at the Lenakel Market House before the team will move out again to visit several more villages.

Lenakel Market House

TIV Conducts Right To Information Law Community Awareness Sessions – Tongoa Island 

Transparency International Vanuatu Officers are currently on the island of Tongoa to conduct community awarenesses on the Right To Information Law.Tongoa island is the largest island in the Shepherd islands with the highest population. Apart from the other islands in the Group Tongoa is the only island with a sole representative in Parliament. 

In February the Right To Information Law was passed with no opposition in Parliament.

“This is a powerful law”. 

Morua Village  Elder, Tongoa Island.

The TIV officers met with the Provincial Officer to discuss the activities to be carried out on Tongoa during the 2 days of community awarenesses. 

Tanna island will be visited next week.

More updates will be published. 

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