Anti-Corruption Day To Be Observed In Vanuatu

TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU (TIV) and the Office of the Prime Minister will be hosting the international anti-corruption day in Port Vila on Wednesday December 9th 2015.

December 9th is the annual international anti corruption day set by the United Nations Conventions against Corruption since 2003. Transparency International Vanuatu has been observing this day every year.

This year we will be observing this day at the Ifira Trustee Green Space beside the Market House in town with the theme, Fight Corruption. Use the right Information. Enough Hearsay”. The theme falls in with the work being done on the Right to Information in Vanuatu.

Once the Right to Information becomes a law it will be symbol for an open society, a key to good governance, and it will strengthen the foundations of democracy in Vanuatu. It will also empower citizens to be a part of decision making and promote accountability and transparency in public offices. And most importantly it will boost up the fight against corruption by supporting and protecting the rights of citizens.

The Anti corruption Day event will begin with a parade led by the VMF band from Moorings to the Ifira Trustees Green Space beside the market. During the day there will be speeches from the care taker Prime Minister, representatives of stakeholders and the Ombudsman.

AC Day

There will also be drama performances by the Rainbow Disability Theatre group, and live music performances by DROPVKAL and other bands. Furthermore, there will be several other activities that will happen throughout the day including corruption quizzes, discussions and the launching of a corruption film by Transparency International Vanuatu in collaboration with Natongtong Theater.

Transparency International Vanuatu will also be using the event to advocate on what is corruption and its effects in Vanuatu. The recently established Right To Information Unit, which is under the Prime Minister’s Office, will also be giving out information on the Right to Information bill which is under review.

Furthermore, there will also be representatives from the Regional Rights Resource team present during that day to give awareness on human rights.

The anti-corruption day event will be an informative and exciting day with a lot of useful information and ideas to be displayed, presented and discussed on throughout the day. TIV is inviting the public to come and be a part of that day. Learn more about RTI, corruption and how it affects us. Give yourself the opportunity to discuss with other people.

Every Year Transparency Vanuatu celebrates this day to campaign against corruption in Vanuatu and to remind us to say no to corruption.

In 2013, Transparency Vanuatu successfully hosted the anti corruption day at the Freswota park with the theme “Zero corruption, 100% development”.





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