RTI Awareness To Be Conducted Around Pentecost Island

OFFICERS FROM TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU will be conducting several community awareness and consultation sessions on the Right To Information (RTI) Bill with several communities around the south of island of Pentecost from the 19th to the 24th of August.

This Pentecost RTI Awareness is the seventh of its kind to be conducted in Vanuatu in partnership with the Governments Right To Information Unit. The islands that have already been visited are the islands of Tanna, Malekula, Santo, Malo, Ambae, and Vanua Lava.

The team from Transparency International Vanuatu will be visiting communities beginning from the south of Pentecost then gradually moving up to the communities in the central part of the island before concluding the program in the north.

The Right To Information Policy was launched by the government in early 2014, thereby forming the basis for the Right To Information Bill to be developed. The RTI Bill was listed to be debated in Parliament in late 2014 but was withdrawn for further revisions, it was listed to be discussed during the First Ordinary Session of Parliament of 2016 but was again withdrawn.

While the officers are there community leaders who wish to have the RTI awareness conducted in their community can conduct Transparency International Vanuatu (Tel: 25715) to identify their locations so that the team can visit them to share information on the contents of the Right To Information Bill.



Serving For 35 years With No Salary, This Citizen Deserves Recognition.

IT IS STORIES like this that make you realize the true meaning of independence, and why we should have already delivered vital resources to the most remotest parts of Vanuatu;

“This is the first time for me to see the Constitution of Vanuatu” expressed an elder from Tseriviu community who has continued to run his Aid Post at Tseriviu in the Big Bay area of Santo since the early 80’s.

He not only saw the Vanuatu Constitution, but Transparency IMr. Thomas Palonternational Vanuatu (TIV) made sure that he went home with one. His name is Thomas Palo, and he is well over seventy years old but has continued to practice and put his medical skills into good use.

For the isolated communities of Big Bay on the island of Santo Thomas is more than just an ordinary villager, he is a live saver. Though he is clearly well over the retired age Thomas is still strong and continues to address his people’s medical needs.

“When I was still young I studied nursing at the PMH (Paton Memorial Hospital) at Iririki from 1955 to 1957” he recalled. “In 1957 I finished my studies and returned to Big Bay and served under the Presbyterian Church Mission here before I was transferred to go and work under the British Government” he says.

This Citizen Deserves A Medal

He served as a medical provider under the British Government for a good number of years up until the late seventies, “I finished working with British Government in 1977. And in 1981, a year after we achieved independence I started the Aid Post here at Big Bay. Since then, I have served now for 35 years at the Aid Post” he said with an accomplished look on his face.

“I started the Aid Post and I have worked from it until today” he explained. “I have no salary. If I vaccinate you now, you pay me a hundred vatu, and that is all I need. I get my medical supplies from the pharmacy at the Northern District Hospital in Luganville.”

At that point in the conversation another villager came in to confirm that Thomas does not receive any official wages, only the villagers supply him with necessary necessities, “to try and make up for his unpaid years of hard work” he added, “ and yet he continues to help all the people in the area of Big Bay.”


Transparency International Vanuatu officers met with Thomas after a Right To Information awareness session that was held at his community in late June 2016. His story is remarkable and shows true independency and a commitment to serve the nation against challenging odds.


As we move closer towards celebrating Vanuatu’s 36th Independence Anniversary we must also keep in mind that there are hundreds, or if not thousands, of citizens out there who have, and still are, serving the country in their own special ways like Mr. Thomas





RTI Awareness At Vanua Lava

WHEN OFFICERS FROM Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) arrived on Sola on the island of Vanua Lava the island was buzzing with Super League football. They brought with them a blue plastic container that had been filled with Bislama Vanuatu Constitution books, Right To Information (RTI) brochures and posters, and loads of information to share with the people in Vanuatu’s farthest province.

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“Just because the RTI Bill did not make it through the First Ordinary Session of Parliament it does not mean that we have to slow down on our RTI community awareness program” explains Mr. Douglas Tamara who is the TIV Civic Education Officer, “however, it only pushes us to do more awareness because there is now more time to consult with the people and to encourage people to talk with their parliamentary representatives on where they should stand on the RTI Bill.”

The TIV team left on their first morning there and travelled south west to the community of Vureas Bay. Before talking with the community the team first visited Sanlang Primary School and talked with the teachers and before leaving the TIV team left several Vanuatu Constitution books at the school library for the students and teachers to have access to.

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At the community meeting house over 70 villagers patiently listened on as the team presented to the people a summary of what is inside the RTI Bill plus several examples on how the RTI Bill can effectively work in a rural community setting.

When asked if whether they wanted their Member of Parliament to support the RTI Bill or not the unified answer was a clear and loud ‘Yes’.

“This is good news that you have brought us today” conveyed a villager elder “and thank Vanua Lava 7you very much to the government for trying to push this Bill. With accurate information we can make development happen, this Bill should also be explained and consulted through the radio so that it can at least get a wider consultation.”

Later, the TIV team travelled down to the village of Kerebeta and held a brief awareness with the people in the community.

Mr. Elton Worus is a community leader at the Kerebeta village and looks after the community cooperative. After the awareness session he pointed out an interesting advantage of the RTI Bill, he explained that “a lot of people here are shy, they are just not comfortable to go and ask information at public offices face-to-face.”

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Mr. Elton said that “the (RTI) Bill is really good because it will make life much easier for people (who are shy) to ask for information because information requests could also be made through phone calls.”

The team later met up with Pastor Fred Abraham from Wesilat village and provided him some Vanuatu Constitution books and RTI brochures to distribute at his community, “these days information is important, much more important for us in the farthest parts of the country” he acknowledged.

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Transparency International Vanuatu also agrees with Pastor Fred, today information is Vanua Lava 6powerful and should be used for good development. Information should also be shared to those that are less privileged just because there are no roads to their houses, or there is no airport or a proper wharf on their island. Information should be accessible wherever you are.

TIV will continue to advocate on these issues because they matter to the people of Vanuatu, and if anyone from the public wishes to learn more about the Right To Information please contact us at Tel: 25715, Email: transparency@vanuatu.com.vu, or you can drop us a message on facebook.Vanua Lava 3Vanua Lava 8

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