DG Bebe Not Happy About the Figures of People Affected by Cyclone PAM.

THE DIRECTOR GENERAL for the Ministry of Justice and Community Services is not happy about the figures of people who are affected by cyclone Pam.

At the Launching of a Women’s Information Centre at the National Disaster Management Office on Monday this week, Mr. Bebe said “at the moment Vanuatu is still guessing the figures for people who are affected by cyclone Pam”.

“I am surprised that we still cannot provide exact numbers of people who are affected, or who are really in need,” Mr. Bebe said.

The launching of a Women’s Information Center at the National Disaster Management Office
The launching of the Women’s Information Center at the National Disaster Management Office

“It shows the government’s inability” to ensure that everyone is getting help.

Mr. Bebe acknowledged the assistance being provided by the international community towards Vanuatu, he further encouraged the government and the NDMO to properly manage the aid supplies.

He emphasized that the NDMO must ensure relief goods reach their target areas.

Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) has also been observing, and taking note of the many complaints that are being raised by concerned members of the public,  the claim to have not received relief supplies after NDMO dispatched the first distribution of aid supplies more than two weeks ago.

TIV commends the relief effort being undertaken diligently, but the NDMO and all the organizations and the individuals who are involved in the relief program must also be fully aware of the potentials of corrupt acts, and the diversion of supplies and funds to their target areas.

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