RTI Law Awareness & Adaptive Leadership Training For Luganville Youth Council

TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU’S (TIV) Right To Information Law Community Awareness Program has moved on from Malekula to the island of Santo.

WATCH: Snapshot of Transparency International Vanuatu’s RTI Law Awareness – Malekula Island. 

This week the TIV Awareness Team has collaborated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development to deliver Civic Education, Anti-Corruption, and Right To Information Law information to the over 200 youth volunteers who helped out to deliver the National Games in 2016 hosted by Luganville City.

Furthermore, included in this partnership, an Adaptive Leadership Training was conducted for the Luganville Youth Council at the Sarakata Anglican Hall. This leadership empowerment tool was delivered by Wilson Toa of Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) and Nelly Willie of the Pacific Leadership Program (PLP).


The purpose of the Adaptive Leadership Training for the Chiefs of Vaturisu Chiefs was to:

1. Provide participants with an understanding of Adaptive Leadership as a practice of mobilizing people to tackle difficult situations and thrive.

2. Provide a learning space for reflection and re-strategizing.

3. Adaptive Leadership is a practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. It is specifically about positive change.


This ongoing awareness program began on the island of Tongoa early this year and will continue until the end of April.

These Right To Information Law Community Awareness Sessions were made possible through funding support from the Pacific Leadership Program based in Fiji.


WATCH: Interview: Deputy Principal of Rensarie College – Malekula Island 

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