Can a media self-regulatory system for Vanuatu be the solution to advocating for responsible, accurate, respectful, and factual reporting?
Transparency International Vanuatu Welcomes Governments Position
In an interview this morning with Radio New Zealand, TIV Chairman Dr. Willie Tokon welcomed Prime Minister Sato Kilman’s clarification.
TIV Calls On Politicians To Focus On The Economy Not Themselves
If you are a leader and you are reading this, take time to think on this encouraging leadership quote – ‘a leader is a dealer in hope’ – (Napoleon Bonaparte). So are you a dealer of hope for your people? If not, then be one!
18% Increase In Gratuity Payments Since 2002
According to the Amendment Act of the Official Salaries of 2006, the Prime Minister, Ministers and their Political Appointees starting from political advisers to drivers are all entitled to gratuity payments when they leave their ministerial positions.
Vanuatu’s History of No Confidence Motions against Prime Ministers since 1980
Thus, a way out of this political instability is the only way in. Register at the Electoral Office and vote wisely in 2016.
A Look At The Presidents Speech – First Parliament Ordinary Session
‘Yumi*’, said the President, “it appears in our national anthem”. He stressed that the word ‘yumi’ clearly states that every work and decisions that parliamentarians make in the parliament ‘yumi’ must be the first priority.
The Importance Of The Radio In Times Like This
Are they speaking up? Are they representing our views? Or are they doing otherwise?
“Public Service Commission Politicized” Says Port Vila MP
“How many different political parties are members of the PSC? VP dominates this department, so to speak frankly, there is no need to beat around the bush,” MP Willie Jimmy said during the parliament’s debate on recruiting a foreign police commissioner.
Are Bankers Disguised As Diplomats Buying Diplomatic Protection For Their Assets?
Are bankers disguised as diplomats buying diplomatic protection for their assets?
Is it incapability? Incompetency? Pride? Or is it just pure ignorance?
It would be interesting to see what actions are taken against those that do not submit their reports by the deadline; will the punishment fall on the company? Or on the person that leads it?