He clutched the Constitution books hard against his chest and said “thank you very much, I have searched for the Vanuatu Constitution since 2001, thank you Transparency International Vanuatu, I am so happy.
TIV Awareness Sessions In Pictures, Tanna Island.
“I have searched for the Vanuatu Constitution since 2001, thank you Transparency International Vanuatu.” We gave him 5 copies.
TIV Ready To Conduct RTI Awareness Around Tanna Island
“On the 21st of February we will be visiting Bethel village, then on the 22nd we will be going to the Lenakel Presbyterian College, the Lenakel main Market and also Tafea College as well,” Mr. Tamara said…
International Women’s Day Photography Competition
International Women’s Day Photography Competition
Voters Are Keeping A Watchful Eye On Their Elected Candidates
“Our livelihood this next four years depends on the decisions that you will make,” she said…
Rules Against Electoral Corruption
The first of the corrupt acts outlined in the Representation of the Peoples Act is Personation. Personation happens when a voter uses other people’s cards to vote during elections…
On UN Anti-Corruption Day, Transparency International Vanuatu Calls For Greater Government Action To Fight Corruption
TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL VANUATU is taking the opportunity of UN Anti-Corruption Day tomorrow to call on the government to make strong commitments to fighting corruption to enhance political integrity.
THE OBSERVATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY in Vanuatu has been postponed confirms a statement from Office of the Prime Minister.
This year, the Vanuatu Government partnered with Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) to plan a significant event to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.
However, this has regrettably been postponed as promised funding for the event did not arrive in time to enable the event to go ahead. Neither of the organisations wished to put individuals and businesses in the position of providing services such as catering, equipment and entertainment without being guaranteed proper payment for the service.
While the planned event will not proceed, this does not mean that the Government is sitting idle. Vanuatu acceded to the United National Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2011, and has been working to strengthen the institutions and laws needed to address corruption. A 2013 review of Vanuatu’s review progress to implement UNCAC found that some of the significant progress has been made, acknowledging work particularly in the areas of anti-money laundering, international cooperation and initiatives in Correctional Services.
There is currently a review underway of the Ombudsman and Leadership Code acts to ensure that they meet international standards and are able to be used effectively as tools in the fight against corruption and maladministration. This is just one of many initiatives currently in train across government, targeting specific issues, as with the Ombudsman Act, but also more general initiatives to hep create a more open and transparency government, such as the Right to Information Policy.
The event planned to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day in Port Vila has been postponed to next year 2016.
Transparency International Vanuatu appreciates the collaboration with the government for working together to organize this event, and even though the event has been postponed the recent working relations confirms a stronger working relationship for 2016. TIV also acknowledges the support of civil and youth groups who have committed their time and willingness to be part of the event.
Now that the event has been postponed to 2016 TIV looks forward to work together to host the 2016 International Anti-Corruption Day.
Anti-Corruption Day To Be Observed In Vanuatu
This year we will be observing this day at the Ifira Trustee Green Space beside the Market House in town with the theme, “Fight Corruption. Use the right Information. Enough Hearsay”.