NGO Workshop on the RTI Bill

OVER 20 REPRESENTATIVES from different NGO’s and Community Associations attended the Right To Information (RTI) Workshop that was held at The Melanesian yesterday the 7th of July.

Representatives from youth groups, church groups, the media and chief and women’s councils attended the workshop. The workshop aimed to familiarize the contents of the Right To Information (RTI) Bill to the participants, and also to answer questions and receive comments from civil society groups on the RTI Bill.

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“I think it is about time that we have this” said the participant. A former senior public servant expressed that “this Bill will help a lot”. He continued to state that “there are a lot of financial inconsistencies that the public are not aware of.”

“I see that this Bill talks about the right information,” said a Pastor from the Assemblies NGO RTI WORKSHOP 1of God Church who attended the workshop, “I am happy with the RTI, it should have come with independence so that it can fight corruption. The Bible says that when you tell the truth you will be set free, therefore I believe that the RTI Bill will enforce our Christian principle and make things better for our country.”

“The mothers of Vanuatu have cried for the Right To Information Bill since the 1980’s,” explained the CEO of the Vanuatu National Women’s Council (VNWC) Mrs. Leias Cullwick, “please get this RTI Bill into parliament immediately”.


The workshop was organized by Transparency International Vanuatu in partnership with the Government’s Right To Information Unit and the Media Association of Vanuatu.


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