SECTION 1 | Transparency Vanuatu Introduction Aim of staff ManualTransparency Vanuatu Structure | 6-7 |
What is Transparency International Our VisionOur MissionOur Values What is Corruption | 8-9 | |
SECTION 2 | Transparency Procedures and Guidelines 2.1 Code of Conduct 2.1.1 Transparency Board 2.1.2 Transparency Vanuatu 2.2 Work place 2.2.1 Hours of Work 2.2.2 Appearance 2.3 Policies 2.3.1 Attendance 2.3.2 Security 2.3.3 Computer Use 2.3.4 Sick Leave 2.3.5 Annual Leave Entitlements 2.3.6 Confidentiality 2.3.7. Conflict of Interest 2.3.8. Disciplinary Procedures 2.3.9 Termination | 9-13 |
Publication of Matters Miscellaneous 2.6.1 Timesheets 2.6.2 Membership to Professional Bodies 2.6.3. Travel Guidelines 2.6.4 Reimbursement of Expenses | 13-15 | |
SECTION 3 | Transparency Office Procedures 3.1 Photocopying and Printing 3.2 Facsimile 3.3 Stationery 3.4 Telephone Usage 3.5 Emails 3.6 Email Etiquette | 15-16 |
SECTION 4 | 4.0 File Management 4.1 Opening a File 4.2 Computer Database Allocation of File No 4.4 Research the Law 4.6 Filing in Cabinet of Commenced Files 7.0 Managing a File 7.1 Chrono Listing of Work No. Allocation 7.2 File Notes 7.2 Purpose of Correspondence 7.3 Drafting Correspondence 7.4 Signing off Letters 9.0 Referring Complaint Matters On 9.1 Referring Matter to Public Solicitor or Ombudsman 9.2 Formal Complaint to Ombudsman 9.3 Referring the file for an E-Brief 10.0 Meetings with Government Departments 11.0 Finalising a Complaint 12.0 Archiving Files that are Closed | 16-18 19-20 20-21 22-23 |
SECTION 5 | ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES / POLICIES XERO Accounting Budgets Cash Funds Received Procurement Payment of Accounts Petty Cash AUDIT Fixed Assets Register | 23-26 |
SECTION 6 | FIRE EVACUATION, CYCLONE AND EARTHQUAKE PROCEDURES Fire Evacuation Cyclone Warnings Earthquake Procedures Health and Safety Procedures | 26-27 |
SECTION 7 | EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURES RECRUITMENT PROCEDURE – Recruitment Procedure – Trial Period STAFF CODE OF CONDUCT 7.2.1 Staff Code of Conduct 7.2.2 Staff Code of Conduct while away from the Office Leave Form Request 7.4 Standard Employment Contract 7.5 Job Descriptions 7.6 Performance Evaluation Forms | |
- TI Procedures Manual Azerbaijan
- TI-S Procedures
SECTION 1. Transparency Vanuatu
Aim of the Staff Manual
To give clarity as to procedure and reporting within the Transparency umbrella projects so that all staff have a clear understanding of procedures and policies so to achieve good working conditions, challenging assignments and advancement.
Within its funding constraints Transparency will endeavour to meet competitive salary packages based on policy, position, qualifications, experience and competence and the level of responsibility afforded by the position.
TV Structure
Transparency Vanuatu is a charity based organization established in 2001 which was set up to “help stop corruption”.
It consists of a Board of Directors consisting of the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and another 5 Ordinary Board Members, making up a total of 8 Board Members who control the running of the charity based organization and its projects together with a list of members who contribute towards membership.
Current Structure
Board of Directors
Treasurer –
and up to 5 Ordinary Board Members
Chief Executive Officer
Finance Officer
Legal Officer
Media Officer
Community Advocacy Officer
Office Assistant
What is Transparency International?
Transparency International, the global civil society leading the fight against corruption, brings people together in a powerful worldwide coalition to end the devastating impact of corruption on men, women, disabled and vulnerable, young and old and children around the world.
Transparency International’s mission is to create change towards a world free of corruption.
Transparency International challenges the inevitability of corruption and offers hope to its victims. Since its founding in 1993, Transparency International (“TI”) has played a leading role in improving the lives of millions around the world by building momentum for the anti-corruption movement. TI coordinates anti-corruption activities in more than 180 countries around the world through its national chapters. The chapters are independent local non-government organizations (NGO) and are able to choose their own policies and raise their own funds for their activities.
TI raises awareness and diminishes apathy and tolerance of corruption and devises and implements practical actions to address it.
Our Vision
The vision of Transparency Vanuatu is that Vanuatu be a place in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of its people are free of corruption.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to stop corruption and promote transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors of our society.
Our Values
Our Core Values are: transparency, accountability, integrity, solidarity, courage, justice and democracy. These Core Values are linked with the six values enshrined in our Constitution: Respect, Dedication, Justice, Honesty, Responsibility, and Concern.
What is corruption?
TI defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private or personal gain”.
It hurts everyone whose life, livelihood or happiness depends on the integrity of people in a position of authority.
Corruption involves behaviour on the part of officials in the public and private sectors, whether politicians or civil servants in which they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves or those close to them by the misuse of the public power entrusted to them.
The World Bank defines corruption as “the abuse of public office for private gain. Public Office is abused for private gain when an official accepts, solicits or extorts a bribe”.
The International Standards on Criminal Law defines corruption as “abuse of public or private office for personal gain”. This definition can be a useful reference for policy development and awareness raising as well as for elaborating anti-corruption strategies, action plans and corruption prevention measures.
SECTION 2. Transparency Vanuatu Personnel Procedures and Guidelines
2.1 Code of Conduct – Transparency Board
Transparency International’s Code of Conduct for Board of Directors
A Code of Conduct for Board of Directors will be signed by all members taking office on the Board of Transparency Vanuatu.
The Board Members must receive training and sign off on this Staff Manual, the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy (PSEAH) and the Child Protection Policy (CPP).
2.2 Code of Conduct – Transparency
All staff, Board Members, Contractors and volunteers are required to sign a Conduct of Conduct relating to this Code of Conduct prior to commencement.
The Staff, Contractors and Volunteers must receive training and sign off on this Staff Manual, the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment Policy (PSEAH) and the Child Protection Policy (CPP
2.3 Code of Conduct
All Board Members, Contractors, staff and volunteers are required to sign a similar Conduct of Conduct relating to:
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Fairness
- Integrity
- Confidentiality
Please respect this Code of Conduct in your dealings with other staff members or volunteers or complainants. All staff will sign a Transparency Code of Conduct upon commencement with Transparency.
2.2.1. Hours of Work
The office of Transparency is open from 8:00am until 5:00pm Monday to Friday with a lunch recess each work day from 12:00pm until 1:30 pm.
It is a Transparency policy that no staff member or volunteer will be required to work outside of these hours, unless this work is authorized by the Chairperson or Chief Executive Officer.
Public holidays will be observed in accordance with the Act.
2.2.2. Appearance
All staff and volunteers must be courteous and professional in their manner and dress to show a high level of professionalism within the office.
Female staff members should be considerate about local custom and wear clothing appropriate as to skirt length and coverage of upper body when meeting with male clients at work, during meetings and during outreach work.
Male staff members should be considerate of their dress and wear appropriate shoes during working hours.
Chewing of gum is not considered appropriate during office working hours.
Smoking is not allowed at all times within the working office environment. Those staff members who do smoke are advised to use breath mints or other aid as it is considered inappropriate to meet with clients smelling of smoke.
Adequate standards of hygiene are to be observed at all time during working hours.
2.3.1 Attendance
Upon acceptance to join the staff of Transparency your attendance to assist and work towards the goals of the office is an integral part of the successful outcome of a team effort in seeing successful outcomes to projects or complaints.
The goals for Transparency staff members include:
- Meeting the timeframes allocated within your specific job role under the Project you are engaged to work within and promoting awareness, advocacy and anti-corruption practices
Assisting to maintain the funding of the project you are engaged to work within its allocated budget
- Attending to day-to-day activities within the guidelines and promoting the benefits of Transparency and promoting reform through the work with Transparency
- Attending meetings associated with your project on behalf of Transparency or other NGO groups to further the cause of Transparency
- Maintain confidentiality at all times and reporting as required from time to time to the Board or as required by the Administrator
2.3.2 Security
No work is permitted outside of usual office hours at the Transparency office. If you are the last staff member or volunteer to leave the office at any time during the day or last at the close of the day you MUST:
- Turn down all computers
- Turn off all lights
- Ensure filing cabinets are locked and keys placed in safe custody
- Ensure all windows are shut
- Turn off all electrical appliances including the air-conditioners
- Ensure the exterior door is locked on leaving the office
If for any reason you are working in the office alone, you are advised to lock the front office door. If this is the case during office hours, place a notice on the door for members of the public to knock and identify themselves before entering. Please do not enter into any formal discussion on cases or offer any advice until there is a second staff member present.
2.3.3 Computer Use
Owing to the security nature and content of our files, all the computers are for “work related” activities only. Therefore you are not permitted to make illegal downloads of any information or searching files such as Facebook, personal emails and music downloads, and the use of ipods and USB Keys have a high risk of file viruses associated with this type of computer use and can be detrimental to our computer safety and information stored on our computers. Viruses destroy work files and can be costly to repair.
2.3.4 Sick Leave
If for any reason you are unable to attend at work and are sick you are required to notify the Transparency Office or the ALAC Office Manager reporting your illness and arranging for a Doctor’s Certificate should your illness be for more than two days.
The Doctor’s Certificate should be made available to the Chief Executive Officer of TIV on the day of your return to work.
If you are repeatedly unable to supply a Doctor’s Certificate then you will be provided Notice under your terms of contract and your salary will be adjusted accordingly for the days off you have taken without providing sick leave notices.
The Transparency policy for both staff members and volunteers (unless amended otherwise) is up to 21 days sick leave per year in accordance with the Employment Act. Sick days will be paid ONLY upon production of a doctor’s certificate as stated above and only in accordance with the Act. These provisions are subject to change at any time and may be reduced pending legislative action.
2.3.5. Annual Leave Entitlements
Annual leave will be paid to staff members in accordance with the Act- Presently this is 21 days per year once a full year has been worked. It is Transparency policy that no annual leave will be granted in advance until the first full year has been worked.
If you are entitled to Annual Leave then an Annual Leave Request must be completed and requested to the Chief Executive Officer of TIV 7 days prior to your leave date. Emergency annual leave can be taken after discussion with the Chief Executive Officer.
2.3.6 Confidentiality
All information that comes into the office of Transparency must be treated on a confidential basis and you must not discuss the matter outside of the office nor disclose any information provided by a complainant.
Under no circumstances should files be taken home and no information withdrawn from the office. All files remain the property of Transparency.
It is also important that when taking telephone enquiries, no information about Board Members or staff members is disclosed to any party and that you should advise the caller that information they are seeking is only available upon personally coming into the office to discuss.
2.3.7 Conflict of Interest
If you have any conflict of interest on any matter which is being dealt with by Transparency you should immediately bring this to the attention of the Office of the Chief Executive Officer.
Discovery of a known Conflict of Interest at a later date will be considered Gross Misconduct and lead to immediate dismissal.
2.3.8 Disciplinary Procedures
These procedures apply to all employees whether they are part-time or full time or on temporary contract.
You must respect the hierarchy for complaints procedures. In the event of a complaint, please discuss with the Chief Executive Officer BEFORE approaching Board Members, save in the event that the complaint is relative to the Chief Executive Officer.
If an employee fails to adhere to the procedures or expectations, then the Chief Executive Officer shall take the first necessary disciplinary measure in accordance with the Employment Act and your contract (if applicable) to rectify the situation and their employee records will be noted accordingly.
If the action required is not remedied or if after two written and a verbal warning in the same year have been issued and there is a third misconduct then the employee will be given the opportunity to discuss the matter with the Chairperson of the Board and Administrator and if the outcome is termination then the employee will be terminated in accordance with the Act.
2.3.9 Termination
- An employee may be terminated following an unsatisfactory probationary period of up to 6 months when either party may terminate the employment in accordance with the Act;
- If an employee on contract wishes to terminate their contract, notice must be given in writing in accordance with the contract;
- If an employee who has been disciplined and is given final notice in accordance with their contract and the Act then that employee will be entitled to be provided with their expected entitlements within one week of their final notice period or at their cessation of employment.
- All terminations are to be confirmed in writing by the Board of TIV.
- In the event of an employee receiving a termination notice, that employee must immediately vacate the premises and will not be entitled to access the computers, files or folders prior to leaving.
- Other terminations related to PSEAH Policy and CPP Policy must be dealt with in relations to that particular policy.
2.4 Publication of Matters
No employee is entitled to publish anything via media of any kind without prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors. This includes statements made via social media.
2.6.1 Time Sheets – This is for contractors and part-time employees only – please ensure timesheets are completed for all of your work time and these are made available to the accounts section at the end of each week.
2.6.2 Membership to professional bodies – TIV encourages employees to join professional bodies relevant to their profession. This ensures that they keep updated on current developments within their specialist field and have the opportunity of interaction with other members to be aware of TIV’s work. Application should be made on a one-to-one basis to see if TIV can provide assistance with the membership fees or reimbursement at the time they are due.
2.6.3 Travel guidelines
- TIV will meet all reasonable cost of transportation for staff employees required to carry out their duties for TIV over and above normal cost of getting to and from work
- Air tickets will be procured on the best price and time allocation to the destination
- Cost for accommodation will be reimbursed upon receipt of receipts for accommodation, room charge, taxes, service charge and other applicable costs for accommodation;
- The maximum allowance per day for meals and allowances will be discussed per visit as to:
Overseas International Travel
Local Travel – Port Vila
Local Travel – within the country
TI’s guidelines as to countries per diem rate will be considered in this decision
- Other reasonable expenses will be reimbursed but you will be required to fully account as follows:
Explanation as to expense
These should be recorded and submitted on a workshop expense form for the travel undertaken or the expense incurred. This is available in the TV shared folder under \\TIVONE\Shared\Accounting & Finance\Forms and Reporting templates
2.6.4 Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred
When you incur expenses on behalf of TIV locally you need to supply a receipt for the amount incurred and full documentation as provided in above to enable correct reimbursement to be made to you.
No staff member is entitled to spend any money provided by TIV for personal items or services, unless express permission has been sought and granted PRIOR to the expenditure taking place, for monies to be used as a salary advance. Any such money must be reimbursed back to TIV in accordance with the repayment schedule agreed to at the time of the funding request.
3.1 Photocopying and Printing
The cost of consumables for printers is extremely expensive in Vanuatu. It is your duty to ensure that printing is cost effective and kept to a minimum. Please ensure all draft printing is selected as double sided (duplex mode) and all photocopying is double sided so to keep paper usage to a minimum.
All overruns should be recycled where applicable and anything too confidential should be “shredded”.
No staff member is entitled to use the photocopier for personal printing at any time and all printing done must be duly recorded on the printing record sheet.
3.3 Stationery
Please use all stationery wisely – i.e. it is the duty of the Office Receptionist of TIV to maintain the stationery cupboard and purchases and to complete a monthly stock control and level check. At Transparency a level of stationery has been set and therefore we require your assistance with use of stationery to avoid undue wastage. Please recycle where appropriate.
No staff member is entitled to take stationary home for personal use and such actions will be dealt with harshly.
3.4 Telephone Usage
At Transparency the policy on telephone usage is that the telephone and mobile phone are for business use only. All outwards calls should be noted on the Phone Identification Sheet so we can check on usage and billing. A Telephone recording sheet should be completed for each outward call from the mobile or landline and job coded appropriately.
If you have a requirement to use the phone for an emergency and it is of a private nature and you are not able to seek the authorization of the Chief Executive Officer of Transparency Vanuatu then you should record the call as a private call on the Phone identification Sheet and advise the CEO when you are able to do so. Transparency may require you to make reimbursement of the call placed in certain circumstances.
If you answer an inwards call – please identify the office as TIV when answering the phone – then give your name and say “how can we assist you” – the caller may be only able to communicate in Bislama or French – ask them to wait and hand the call to a staff member who speaks Bislama or French. Remember to make a file note on all calls that relate to file matters regarding ALAC files.
Do not give information over the telephone on particular case matters where you are unable to verify the third parties making the call.
Under no circumstances are any personal details relative to TIV staff of Board to be given to anybody over the phone. This includes phone numbers and email addressed.
3.5 Emails
All emails are sent as attachments only and letters and attachments should be scanned for attaching and they should go in PDF Format. No attachments should be sent from TV that can be tampered with in a Word Format.
NO Emails can be sent from your personal Gmail emails which act as internal emails only.
All header/footer pages should be attached to all emails sent from TIV as these contain a disclaimer and details of the office.
All emails should be approved by the CEO of TIV before sending. This is a quick method of obtaining quick results as to appointments or sending correspondence.
3.6 Email Etiquette
With the advance of internet based communication it is inappropriate to send mail electronically to a large volume of people who do not authorise your mail or the placing of their email address in a bulk dispatch.
If you wish to email a large network of people, please obtain their authority first to do so and also include in your cover page a right for them to request you take their email address off their listing should they not want to receive this ‘bulk mail’.
eg: If you do not wish to receive this email please email to request that your details be excluded from future notifications.
When dispatching bulk mail items, you must respect the privacy of the intended recipients by BCCing all recipients in the email.
4.1 File Opening
4.2 Computer Database Allocation of File Number
This is generated via the Transparency International Database and the Legal Assistant or Office Manager will activate the opening of the files on the databases and generate these numbers for you to commence the file.
Information lodged to the Transparency International Database enables the collection of data and information on the level of complaints and what complaints are being filed. ie. Police, Land or other areas of concern and this information can be used in reporting here or overseas by TI-S. This information needs to be accurate to enable correct records to follow.
4.3 Complaint Assessment
The legal officer should review the matters discussed with the complainant then progress the matter as follows:
4.4 Complaint
- Ensure you recount all the facts of the matter from the complainant in a clear and concise way with copies of any documents in support of the matter attached.
4.5 Research the law
Using Paclii and legislation available undertake research into the complaint
Check the Legislation and Acts folders held in the TIV Office in case we hold a copy for use and to save on additional photocopying.
- Print out a hardcopy of the legislation or relevant cases for the complaint (if necessary)
- Inserting these print outs into the hardcopy file
- Copy and paste the relevant law/legislation into the Complaint File for future electronic use and SAVE it to the Matter Number.
Prepare Complaint Assessment Form along the following;
- List the general complaint
- List the case law applicable
- List the action to be taken on this file
Once approved, this will be the commencement of the file and the format for progressing the file will then follow.
4.6 Filing in Cabinet of Commenced Files
Once the file has been allocated a Matter Number from the TI computer data base system, the Legal Officer will also allocate a file pocket in the filing cabinet of current matters being dealt with by the TIV Office.
The folder will also contain a FILE FORM which should be completed when removing any file from the file pocket for the purpose of working on the file for any reason. The File Form is then replaced in the file pocket and will indicate the whereabouts of the file once it is removed from the file pocket. Please ensure you sign the file in and out so its whereabouts is known at all times.
5.0 Complaint Meetings and Interviews |
5.0 Following the appointment being made make sure you are ready for a complainant – i.e.
- Make the complainant feel important and at ease
- Briefly outline what TIV can do
- Ask the complainant to explain fully their problem
The interview is designed to:
- Obtain the information and facts Re the complaint
- Obtain copies of the evidence they have to support their complaint
- Establish a relationship
- Outline how TIV can assist them with this complaint – is it a corruption based element?
- Do not offer anything to the complainant until we have thoroughly reviewed the case and whether it is a complaint we can progress for them via TIV or refer the matter on
- Do not allow the interview to go on too long – establish some boundaries
- If the complainant does not have all the information – suggest another time so they come back with all relevant information to assess
- If you consider it could be a matter to progress – show the complainant the Forms – explain the forms and have them signed ensuring all details for onward contact are completed and they are signed.
NO complaint should be taken any further without a signed Consent and Authorisation Form and Client Record Sheet being signed by the complainant.
6.0 Database Management |
Throughout the complaints life on the Database – updates where file notes are made, complainants are interviewed, letters are written and this information will be input into the Database following the work being completed. All complaints are lodged directly to the Virtual Box and all data recorded is accessible from TI-Berlin therefore recording of information accurately is essential.
This information is assisting in correct data recording and reporting to Transparency International to obtain an overview of the current matters being handled in the South Pacific such as: what matters are unique to Vanuatu and what are common throughout the Pacific.
7.0 Managing a File |
Once the complaint is accepted and the Complaint Assessment Form has been approved then the file action plan commences.
7.1 Chrono Listing of Work Number Allocation:
All work that you commence on a file is allocated a Chrono number prefix. – This is obtained from the Chrono Listing – on the Shared Folder and the prefix is allocated to the file you may be working on – ie. IC90/FileNote/500. The chrono gives a weekly overview of the work being auctioned on all the files and also acts to trace our inwards correspondence where no reference is allocated; this will allow us to quickly identify the file relating to the correspondence.
7.2 File notes:
Write a file note each time something happens on this file – i.e. a telephone call from a complainant. Duplicate a copy of a File Note available from Forms – and this should be completed and saved under the Matter No.
This also provides someone other than yourself to easily have a quick view of what has been happening on this file if File Notes are recorded and printed, and these should be saved both electronically and in hardcopy format.
7.3 Purpose of Correspondence
The purpose of correspondence is to bring to the recipients the facts of the complaint. Set the facts out clearly and succinctly and the use of bullet points or numbering is a clear way to identify issues. Make sure you support your points with the law. Make sure that you refer to “alleged” instances and do not make statements unless you have clear evidence. Ensure that you copy the correspondence to those relevant to the issue and keep the complainant informed at all times.
7.4 Drafting Correspondence
7.5 Signing of Letters
All letters will be signed off by the Chief Executive Officer or Chairperson or as follows:
Dr. Willie Tokon
Chief Executive Officer, TIV
Mr. Joe H Kalo
Board of Directors, TIV
8.0 Electronic Diary |
This is operated through Microsoft Outlook and has a diary provision which can be used for recording files on a day-by-day basis required for rotation for review or action on that particular date or time.
Please ask the Office Assistant or CEO if you need something brought forward for attention – ie. Appointments, files requiring further action or meetings being scheduled in advance.
In order to accurately rotate the files it is essential that the diary is maintained regularly.
When letters have been sent these files will be electronically tracked to ensure we have a follow up of the file – ie:
- Follow up letter after initial letter has been sent (after 6 weeks)
- Follow up with complainant – (after 6-8 weeks)
- Follow up on further action
- Referring matter to a review
- Referring matter to the Public Solicitor / Public Prosecutor/ Ombudsman or E-brief
If we have sent a matter off for further action and need to track it in say 2 months time for further action or closing of a file then enter the file to refer for that date/time to bring forward to review.
Please ensure you request a follow up via the electronic diary to ensure no files are missed and the files are reviewed on a six to eight week rotation.
9.0 Referring Complaint Matters Onwards |
9.0 Referring Complaints on:
If the matter that has been referred to the Legal Officer, it is a private matter. You should refer them to the Public Solicitor and provide the complainant with the listing of all lawyers, public solicitor and the Ombudsman for taking the matter further. These forms can be printed and given to the complainant so they have somewhere they can follow up their complaint to take their matter to be followed up by that Department.
9.1 Referring Matter to Public Solicitor, Ombudsman or Police
A form of authorization for sending on this complaint file is used and must be signed when referring a file to another office. Refer to Forms on the Shared Folder
9.2 Referring Formal Complaint to the Ombudsman
The complainant must sign a Formal Complaint Form in the form held in Forms in the Shared Folder. Cut and past the copy into the Matter No for completion. Please complete the form with the relevant information from the Complaint Assessment Form and the information on the file and arrange an appointment to see the complainant and go over the process of lodging formally with the Ombudsman.
9.3 Referring the file for an E-Brief
TIV Legal Officer has established a number of contacts in Sydney for assistance with strategy reports and onward progression of the complaint files.
10.0 Meetings with Government Departments |
Telephone the relevant office and request a meeting with a Government Department after the initial letter and follow up letter has been sent.
Make sure you know the contents of your file and prepare a small brief note of questions you wish to have answered prior to attending.
Once the appointment has taken place ensure you write and thank the personnel in the Government Department for their time in answering queries in regard to the complaint. Maintain the contact.
Some Government Departments now require a Formal Request form for completion and these should be completed and signed off by the Office Manager/Administrator TV before requesting the interview.
11.0 Finalising a Complaint |
Once a complaint has been finalized, contact should be made with the complainant to advise of the completion of the matter or if advice has been received that the matter has been finalized. Check with the complainant that they are happy with the outcome. Arrange a final appointment to discuss if appropriate.
Once this has occurred, then send a Closing File letter to the complainant – copy and pass a copy of the letter from the Forms Shared Folder and modify this to the file contentand proceed to close the file. This can be done by the Legal Officer.
Close File as follow:
- Check on details to ensure all matters are dealt with to the complainants satisfaction
- Prepare and send a closing letter
- Ensure a Transparency Vanuatu Membership Form is included with closing letters
- Ensure a Newsletter is also sent to all complainants when closing the file
- Print Close File Form
- Once completed by the Office Legal Officer, progress the file to closure
- Legal Officer will take the file pocket from the current files cabinet – take out all relevant laws or legislation and file them in the Copy File in the cabinet (for future use) and then proceed with the Archiving of the file.
12.0 Archiving Files that are Closed |
The Legal Officer will:
- Close the file.
- Remove file from the pocket with current active files
- Allocate an Archive File Number to the Database for future reference – an Archive Filing system is as follows: A/Year /…..number i.e. in 2013 we are archiving files as eg. A/02013/46.
- Place the correctly Closed File in the Archive Drawer in the File Pocket removed from the Current File Cabinet.
- Searching for closed Archived Files can be done via the TI Database using the file reference.
13.0 Brochures |
The Legal Officer must be able to assist complainants in,
- English;
- French; and
- Bislama
(a) Transparency records all transactions through the XERO accounting software and it is the responsibility of the Finance Officer to keep these records correct.
(b ) Each project will have its own individual records under the Transparency Xero system and is under the day-to-day control of the Accountant or reporting control via the Project Managers.
2. Budgets
(a) TV will maintain strict adherence to budgetary controls and to enable funds to be maintained throughout the project.
(b) Over budget of 10% is in line with general accounting practices and in most cases acceptable to donor grants but over-budget variances in excess of 10% will need to be justified and donor request for authorization should be sought by the Administrator and the Board.
10 % for overhead from grants.
(c) Bi annually budget projections should be maintained and monthly reports to the Board provided by the Accountant so as to provide an accurate position of the project being reported.
(d) During the financial year the next reporting year budget will need to be set in accordance with current expenditure
3. Cash Funds Received
(a) Cash handling is always discouraged but if Membership fees or donations are made by way of a cash payment the following procedure should be followed:
- Issue a TV receipt for the cash from the official receipt book and code the cash for either Membership or Donation or other purpose received;
- The receipt should state who it is received from, address, date, purpose of the funds, clearly state the amount and on the receipt butt the date it was banked;
- On the day it is received – complete the banking of the amount received and place the stamped bank receipt with supporting documents in the accounting records;
- If unable to be banked on the day of receipt, the cash should be placed into the locked Petty Cash tin for safekeeping overnight until banking can take place.
4. Procurement Procedure
- All items to be purchased require a minimum of 3 quotations;
- All items should be purchased in line with budgetary conditions for the project /or the procurement being made;
- Once three quotations are available in writing from the suppliers of the procurement sought they should :
- set out what the item is, the guarantee available, the specifications, service availability after purchase, the cost and VAT applicable and the delivery time
- the quotations should be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer to discuss what is the best product for its purpose within the organization/budget
- Chief Executive Officer to make final authorisation for the purchase of the items
- The successful supplier should then be notified in writing of acceptance and the other two told verbally they were unsuccessful with this procurement
5. Payment of Accounts
- Prior to the 15th of the month, accounts are assembled by the Accountant for each project and the invoices from suppliers such as Vodafone, Unelco etc should be checked and payment vouchers prepared and coded
- A cheque should be drawn against the correct project to fund this expense and all supporting documentation provided to the Accountant for inspection and signing off
- Once signed off, the cheques and vouchers are signed by the two cheque signatories for the Board and this task is arranged by the Accountant
- The Finance Officer will provide a cashbook balance for each project which should be provided prior to signature of the cheques for payment so it is necessary to have ledger postings up-to-date on a weekly basis
6. Petty Cash
- Petty cash will operate for :
- Transparency Vanuatu- Limit; 10,000 VT
Petty cash will from time to time be available under projects depending on the financial requirements of that project ie: separate bank account.
- A petty cash balance will be done weekly by the Finance Officer and signed off by the Chief Executive Officer.
- All vouchers and receipts must be provided to the Finance Officer and accountability for petty cash taken for local travel, newspaper fees etc is the responsibility of those signing out for the cash which is managed by the Finance Officer.
- Any irregularities – explanation will be sought from those withdrawing cash without providing receipts therefore if you request petty cash for expenses you need to be conversant with providing receipts to the Finance Officer immediately following payment
- Petty cash will be reconciled and replenished at the 15th or 30th month or as requested by the Accountant
- It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer to ensure the petty cash is not used for anything other than office incidentals and NO advances from petty cash are allowed for employees for any reason other than TIV authorized expenditure
- Please ensure you provide all receipts for signing out of funding for any expenditure to enable that this trust system continues.
7. Audit
- TV audits are due in August. January and July !!!
- All accounting information needs to be correct and provided to the auditor in early April together with their Audit Rules and Regulations, Workbook, copy bank statements for the year and copy receipt of funds for the year.
- All queries from the auditor should be dealt with quickly and if you cannot comply seek input from the Treasurer for the Board to assist.
- All other projects and Transparency Vanuatu will require an audit process and these will be done as and when their audit deadlines fall due.
- TV audit period to 31 December in each year will be coordinated by the Finance Officer with the Chief Executive Officer.
8. Fixed Assets Register
- A fixed asset register is to be maintained annually.
- TV’s asset register is on an excel spreadsheet and should be updated regularly when items are purchased noting the following
- Item description
- Model number
- Serial Number
- Source purchased
- Original cost
- Use of item
- Warranty
- Similarly when items are disposed of :
- Date of disposal
- Amount of sale price
- Date and name of purchaser
- Reason for disposal
- Sold at book value or loss
9: Accounting Requirements for Workshops and Provincial Facilitators
- It is the responsibility of all facilitators and workshop coordinators to accurately account for all expenditure incurred in the course of carrying out their work.
- Full receipting must be maintained and you are encouraged to fill out an expense sheet as it occurs to ensure proper management of funds and budgeting. This can be found at the back of this document.
- In the event that you are unable to obtain an official stamped receipt from the supplier of goods or services, you must have the supplier write out a receipt from the receipt book which you have been provided with and sign it accordingly.
- You are NOT entitled to fill out and sign you own receipt book.
- In the event that the supplier is illiterate, you must have a third party fill out the receipt and the supplier must sign or mark personally.
- You are not entitled to use any funding supplied for personal expenditure save for food and accommodation as budgeted.
- Any expenditure considered in excess or unreasonable will be deemed as a loan and must be repaid immediately.
- Following the completion of the workshop or activity, you must send all original receipts to the Transparency Office in Port Vila, along with a written report on the outcomes of the workshop or activity.
- Transparency will endeavour to provide you with all materials necessary for the completion of your workshops and activities. These materials remain the property of Transparency and with the exception of consumables such as paper and pens, must be returned to Transparency at the completion of your duties.
- It is your duty to care for these materials. Any loss or damage to these materials beyond normal wear and tear must be reimbursed to Transparency accordingly.
Issues of safety should be considered at all times.
Fire Evacuation for Transparency Staff:
- If you notice a fire within our office and it is small enough to extinguish the fire without injury – do so – if not, please proceed to engage the fire extinguisher to put out the fire OR call the emergency number 113 PORT VILA
- If smoke already fills the office – make sure you fasten the doors and keep low if smoke is in the hallway and move towards the stairwell as quickly as possible.
- Emergency assembly point is in the carpark behind the offices – please ensure all staff members whom you know are in the office with you are assembled at the assembly point.
- Do not return to the building until it is safe to do so or you are instructed by the Administrator or Senior Staff Members or Fire Officers.
From November to April each year cyclones can be present in the area of Vanuatu. The Vanuatu Metrological Service provides an alert system and should the Alert be a Code Yellow or Code Red you are advised to stay indoors whether at home or in the office until the alert is declared safe. The Administrator will confirm whether the office is open on any days where cyclone warnings may be in place.
If you are in the office alone please CLOSE or arrange forall cyclone shutters to be put in place and make sure water and food is available for the period of the office lockdown if you are required to remain in the office.
These are also a natural hazard in Vanuatu and should an earthquake strike whilst you are at work please ensure you do the following – investigations have proved that moving (i.e. running outside) can result in more severe injuries therefore we recommend:
1. DO NOT RUN FROM THE OFFICE as more injuries occur when you are moving than if you remain stationary
2. If the earthquake is strong and violent, crouch down beside your desk away from falling objects and away from the window, inside strong door frames are ideal. Brace yourself against that strong object. Again, do not move until the earthquake has passed.
3. Ensure all electrical items are turned off
4. Collect your personal items and then move out of the building to the assembly point in the carpark. Ensure all your colleagues are with you. Once the all clear has been given by the Administrator then you may either return to the office or following instructions given, if you need to move to higher ground.
Assembly Point is the open ground carpark behind the Transparency Office.
As part of our Emergency Procedure Guide it is recommended we all take note of workplace safety and health issues and be a responsible employee ensuring the safety and the health of all staff, thus we recommend that the office should develop a common goal to :
- ENSURE the control and management of all electrical appliances and a positive response in the event when there is emergency caused by any electrical appliance.
- ENSURE hygiene in the kitchen and bathroom is maintained to a high standard as well as a clean and tidy working environment – which includes emptying the waste bins at the end of the day and ensure the kitchen it kept free of food and scraps each night.
- ENSURE the management of valuable office equipment is placed in storage for future use and not damaged by being left around the office.
- ENSURE our trained First Aid staff are fully briefed on accidents in the office and a register is maintained of any first aid issues arising.
- ENSURE our trained First Aid officers are made aware of any medical condition which may require special attention in the event of an emergency
- ENSURE we have assigned an office person to maintain the fire extinguishers and other safety equipment eg. First Aid Kit.
7.1 Recruitment Procedure
- Recruitment Procedure
- Trial Period
7.2 Staff Code of Conduct
7.2.1 Staff Code of Conduct
7.2.2 Staff Code of Conduct while away
- Leave Form Request
7.4 Standard Employment Contract
7.5 Job Descriptions (Subject to Change) (Samples)
Chief Executive Officer
Finance Officer
Media Officer
Community Advocacy Officer
Legal Officer
Office Assistant
7.6 Performance Evaluation Forms
- Conducted annually
- Conducted Annually
1. Discussion and formulation of job description for vacancy position.
2. Provide circulation to all current staff members for application
3. Discuss methods of advertising – online, newspaper, current CV’s held
4. Submit advert for approval
5. Timeframe for close off – 2 weeks to 1 month for advertising
6. Selection process based on CV submitted – short list prepared for interview process, other applications emailed or notified by letter of unsuccessful application
7. Interviews arranged with selection panel made up of Board Members consistent with the Constitution Article 29 Section (b).
8. Trial period may be offered in some positions (work skills) to see how candidates work (trial period can be from one week to one month)
9. Final applicant interviewed by Board selection (if required)
10. Successful applicant notified with Letter of Offer and Code of Conduct provided as well as Job description to successful candidate with letter of appointment for acceptance – all positions are probationary for a three to six month period from appointment
10. When completed other unsuccessful candidates notified.
Procedures following on commencing to end of Trial Period
- Candidate provided with Staff Manual, SEAH Policy and CPP Policy
- Induction
- Sign CODE OF CONDUCT and staff file opened also sign SEAH Policy and CPP Policy
3. VNPF number to be provided
4. After trial period candidate’s work discussed and either accepted or probationary period extended or terminated
It is important that Transparency Vanuatu (“TV”) promotes good and ethical field behaviour as we cannot preach what we do not do ourselves. For this reason, the following code of conduct has been developed for all TV Staff members (or projects running under TV).
- Trustworthiness: honesty, integrity, reliability, accountability, loyalty
- Respect which includes respect for human rights;
- Fairness which includes impartiality and equity;
- Integrity including respect for the law and environment.
- Honesty
- Good Governance
In terms of:
- Use of telephone or mobile phone provided: No private use. Landline or mobile phone credit provided by TV is intended for use on project business only, NOT private business or personal use at any time. The use of mobile or telephone for personal use during work time may only be done with prior authorization of the Administrator or Accountant. All phone records are to be entered in the telephone use sheets provided. Excessive use of TV phone credit supplied will be viewed as a loan, and the cost of this must be repaid immediately.
- Contact: It is the responsibility of each staff member to ensure that they remain in phone contact with the TV office. In the event of an unforeseen absence from the workplace, it is the responsibility of each staff member to inform the Chief Executive Officer directly within a reasonable timeframe by phone advising the reason for their absence.
In the case of away visits either a TV phone and Sim Card, phone credit or in the case of overseas visits, money to purchase a sim card will be provided and each staff member must ensure that this phone remains on and charged for the duration of the away visit so that they may be reached directly in the event of any emergency.
- Respect of hours: Hours of work are from 8:00 am to 12:00 am & 1:30 pm to 5.00 pm. TV staff are expected to be in the office during these hours, with the exception of pre arranged excursions, which have been approved directly by the coordinator. Any other unexplained absence will be deemed as no work hours and deducted accordingly from salary. TV staff are expected to contribute as many hours as is necessary to ensure the success of their respective projects or away visits which they are undertaking for TV. In the event of staff exchanges or Conferences, TV staff are expected to attend exchange visits or Conferences on all normal working days and comply with normal working hours of the exchange Chapter or Conference, even if such hours fall outside of what would be TV normal working hours.
- Salary is to be paid monthly, by cheque or deposit to Bank Account with an advance of 50% paid mid month and the other 50% at the end of the month. It is the responsibility of each staff member to ensure that cheques are banked in their own time, ie: during the lunch time or otherwise out of working hours.
Any working hours used for the purpose of personal banking will be viewed as absence from work and will be deducted from salary accordingly.
- Severance Pay, as specified in the Vanuatu Employment Act, must be paid at the end of each year (twelve months) service to prevent accumulation over many years of service.
- Work Stations: Each staff member will be assigned a specific work station. This is the only station from which the staff member should complete their duties, unless such works cannot be completed at this station, for reasons explained to, and accepted by the CEO and/or Finance Officer. It is the responsibility of the staff member to keep their work station clean and tidy and to ensure all project files & materials are filed in proper project folders for easy viewing by any other staff member or interested party.
- Hierarchy: Each staff member must respect the hierarchy of the Chief Executive Officer and the Board for all administrative or staff matters.
- Quality of Work: All works to be completed in a timely manner and to a high standard of quality and in line with project timelines.
- While at the office, overseas, in the islands or otherwise representing TV, staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, honest and trustworthy manner at all times and respect the code of conduct.
- Allowances supplied to staff for daily expenditure while away are to be used for accommodation, meals, transport, and other essential items deemed necessary by the Administrator and/or Accountant. Adequate funding will be provided to cover all expected expenditure. Allowances supplied are not in any circumstances to be used for any personal or luxury items. All receipts must be kept to produce against funding expenses except for Per Diems.
- Emergency Allowance: As part of the pre-planned costs for any away visit an emergency allowance will be provided. This is not a per diem but an amount for use as described. The staff member can use this money should expenses pre-planned be in excess of budget or some other emergency requiring its use. Again all receipting needs to be kept and all funding balanced against the amount taken as required at the end of the away visit. It is not for personal use.
- Personal Expenditure: Should the employee require personal expenditure for away visits, s/he may seek prior approval for an advance on salary .Such approval must be made in advance and can only be granted by the Board. Any personal expenditure of TV allowances will be viewed as a loan and must be repaid in accordance with the agreement made at the time of approval being granted.
- In respect of travel arrangements made by TV for staff members; No staff member is entitled to alter any travel arrangements made without prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of TV. Flight changes are not permitted without approval. Approval may only be granted in exceptional circumstances or when travel changes are deemed necessary. Altering approved travel which incurs additional costs to TV will be an expense not covered by TV and may be recouped from the staff member.
- Accommodation: TV endeavours to provide suitable lodgings to all staff members on away visits and in most cases will pre-pay or provide adequate funding to cover this expense. In the event a staff member is unhappy with accommodation provided s/he is obliged to communicate this to TV in a timely manner so that alternate arrangements can be made.
- Booking Alterations: No staff member may alter hotel bookings in any circumstance, including downgrading of accommodation provided. In the event of a downgrade situation, any reimbursed funds from hotel costs remain the property of TV and must be immediately returned at the end of the away visit.
- Breach of Contract: In the event that a staff member, by cancelling or otherwise affecting travel arrangements, hindering cross chapter progress, or by otherwise affecting TV’s funding approvals, or in breaching the terms of employment or code of conduct, PSEAH Policy or CPP Policy and in any way negatively affecting TV’s standing, the staff member may be liable for the entire cost of any external or internal visit, project loss or other losses which may be incurred by TV.
- External Interference: In respect of a dispute arising between staff members, the Chief Executive Officer and/or the Board, each staff member is expected to respect protocol for dispute resolution. Interference by a family member or other external party will not be tolerated in any circumstances and will be dealt with severely by the Board.
- Terms of Visit: No staff member shall allow family members or other external parties to accompany them on away visits without prior approval from the Board. Such approval may only be sought in certain circumstances, and must be sought in writing, and in advance of the away visit. In the case of a family member accompanying a staff member on any away visit, this accompaniment must in no way affect the staff member in completing his/her scheduled tasks assigned to them to complete during the away visit.
- Daily Allowances will be paid upon return from the away visit (only if the project allows) and only upon presentation of a full set of accounts detailing expenditure while away, return of any surplus funds and a full reporting on the outcomes of the away visit. In the event that certain pre-arranged tasks have not been completed, daily allowances may not be payable (at the discretion of the Board in consultation with the Administrator and/or Accountant).
- Accounting is required to be kept and all receipts produced verifying the expenditure as is normally the case. It is the responsibility of each staff member to ensure that all receipting is retained and in good order for each project. In the event of away visits, each staff member is responsible to ensure all receipts are kept along with travel documents, boarding passes and vouchers so that claims against away visits can be completed. Any expenditure incurred but without receipts TV cannot recoup from donors and therefore it is essential all staff are fully informed. In the event that a staff member fails to keep proper accounting records and receipts, any unaccounted for funds may be recouped from the staff member (at the discretion of the Board).
- Breaches of Terms for Away Visits: In the event that a staff member is deemed to have seriously breached their contract of employment including this Code of Conduct, PSEAH Policy and CPP Policy while on an away visit, the staff member may be liable to reimburse TV for the full cost of their away visit, including any airfares or other expenses incurred. Such breaches may include, but are not limited to; failure to attend Conferences as scheduled or other scheduled appointments, failure to comply with normal workdays and working hours if on exchange type visits, intoxication, misrepresenting TV in any way, deceit, misappropriation of TV funds, breaching PSEAH and CPP Policy, altering or attempting to alter travel arrangements for personal gain or otherwise.
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu or any project of TV or in the course of carrying out any of your functions shall be regarded as confidential by our Association, its members, Board, officers and staff.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone, including family members, except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its Chairperson or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint with Transparency Vanuatu and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this document as if that person were also a party to it.
Statement of Compliance:
In signing this document I agree to be bound by all provisions therein. I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand all information contained in this document, and anything that I did not understand in the reading of this document has been fully explained to me. I further acknowledge that I am wholly aware of the potential consequences in the event of a breach of any of these provisions.
Date: ………………………………
It is important that Transparency Vanuatu promotes good and ethical field behaviour as we cannot preach what we do not do ourselves. For this reason, the following code of conduct has been developed for all TV Staff members while representing TV overseas, or otherwise away from the office.
- Trustworthiness: honesty, integrity, reliability, accountability, loyalty
- Respect which includes respect for human rights;
- Fairness which includes impartiality and equity;
- Integrity including respect for the law and environment.
In terms of:
- Use of mobile telephone provided: No private use. Phone credit provided by TV is intended for use on project matters only, not to allow private business or personal matters to interfere during work time (except with authorization of Project Coordinator). Excessive use of TV phone credit supplied will be viewed as a loan, and the cost of this must be repaid immediately when expenses are accounted for following return from the away visit.
- Respect of hours: Transparency staff are expected to contribute as many hours as is necessary to ensure the success of their respective projects or away visits which they are undertaking for TV. In the event of staff exchanges or Conferences, TV staff are expected to attend exchange visits or Conferences on all normal working days and comply with normal working hours of the exchange Chapter or Conference, even if such hours fall outside of what would be TV normal working hours.
- Hierarchy: respect hierarchy of Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson for all administrative staff matters.
- All works to be completed in a timely manner and to a high standard of quality.
- While overseas, in the islands or otherwise representing Transparency Vanuatu, staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, honest and trustworthy manner and with integrity at all times.
- Allowances supplied to staff for daily expenditure are to be used for accommodation, meals, transport, and other essential items deemed necessary by the Coordinator. Adequate funding will be provided to cover all expected expenditure. Allowances supplied are not in any circumstances to be used for any personal or luxury items.
- Emergency Allowance: As part of the pre-planned costs for any away visit an emergency allowance will be provided. This is not a per diem but an amount for use as described. The staff member can use this money should expenses pre-planned be in excess of budget or some other emergency requiring its use be required. Again all receipting needs to be kept and all funding balanced against the amount taken as required at the end of the away visit. It is not for personal use.
- Personal Expenditure: Should the employee require personal expenditure for away visits, s/he may seek prior approval for an advance on salary .Such approval must be made in advance and can only be granted by the Board. Any personal expenditure of TV allowances will be viewed as a loan and must be repaid in accordance with the agreement made at the time of approval being granted.
- In respect of travel arrangements made by TV for staff members; No staff member is entitled to alter any travel arrangements made without prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer or the Chairman of the Board of TV. Flight changes are not permitted without approval. Approval may only be granted in exceptional circumstances or when travel changes are deemed necessary. Altering approved travel which incurs additional costs to TV will be an expense not covered by TV and may be recouped from the staff member.
- Accommodation: TV endeavours to provide suitable lodgings to all staff members on away visits and in most cases will pre-pay or provide adequate funding to cover this expense. In the event a staff member is unhappy with accommodation provided s/he is obliged to communicate this to TV in a timely manner so that alternate arrangements can be made.
- Booking Alterations: No staff member may alter hotel bookings in any circumstance, including downgrading of accommodation provided. In the event of a downgrade situation, any reimbursed funds from hotel costs remain the property of TV and must be immediately returned at the end of the away visit.
- Terms of Visit: No staff member shall allow family members to accompany them on away visits without prior approval from the Board Chair. Such approval may only be sought in certain circumstances, and must be sought in writing, in advance of the away visit. In the case of a family member accompanying a staff member on an away visit, this accompaniment must in no way affect the staff member in completing his/her scheduled tasks assigned to them to complete during the away visit.
- Per diems will be paid before departure for an away visit. In the event that an extended stay is needed, additional per diems may be considered and approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
- Accounting is required to be kept and all receipts produced verifying the expenditure as is normally the case. It is the responsibility of the staff member to ensure all receipts are kept, travel documents, boarding passes and vouchers so that claims against away visits can be completed. Any expenditure incurred but without receipts TV cannot recoup from donors and therefore it is essential all staff undertaking away visits are fully informed. In the event that a staff member fails to keep proper accounting records and receipts, any unaccounted for funds may be recouped from the staff member (at the discretion of the Board).
- Breaches of Terms for Away Visits: In the event that a staff member is deemed to have seriously breached their contract of employment while on an away visit, the staff member may be liable to reimburse TV for the full cost of their away visit, including any airfares or other expenses incurred. Such breaches may include, but are not limited to; failure to attend Conferences as scheduled or other scheduled appointments, failure to comply with normal workdays and working hours if on exchange type visits, intoxication, misrepresenting TV in any way, deceit, misappropriation of TV funds, breach of PSEAH Policy and CPP Policy, altering or attempting to alter travel arrangements for personal gain.
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu or ALAC or in the course of carrying out any of your functions shall be regarded as confidential by our Association, its members, officers and staff.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone, including family members, except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its President or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint with ALAC or Transparency Vanuatu and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this document as if that person were also a party to it.
Statement of Compliance:
In signing this document I agree to be bound by all provisions therein. I acknowledge that I have read and fully understand all information contained in this document, and anything that I did not understand in the reading of this document has been fully explained to me. I further acknowledge that I am wholly aware of the potential consequences in the event of a breach of any of these provisions.
Date: ………………………………
TO: Transparency Vanuatu
(To be requested no less than 2 weeks prior to leave date)
I hereby request to take my leave accrued for the 20.. / 20.. period from
(date) until
(number of days)
This leave will be confirmed once approved by the Board.
Signed: ………………………………………………………………
(Name of Staff Member)
Approved: ……………………………………………………………….
For and on behalf of TV
BETWEEN: of Port-Vila
“The Employee”
represented by ……………………, Chairperson
“The Employer”
The Employer offers to the Employee the following contract effective from xxxx:
- Salary – basis of the Employee’s payments, benefits and allowances is as follows:
VT xxx per month (inclusive of xxxx accommodation housing allowance and 4% of the VNPF) effective from xxxxxxxx, in accordance with the Employment Act, subject to:
- A probationary period was/will be undertaken from xxxxxxxxxxx until xxxxxxxxxx;
- Work skill programme was/will be undertaken from xx until xxxxxxxxxxxxx and salary was/will be paid at work skills rate;
- A performance level review will be undertaken every three months after the commencement of employment. The Employee will meet with the Transparency Vanuatu Chairperson or Chief Executive Officer and at this time, the performance and the job description of the Employee shall be discussed.
- Payments:
Approximately 50% of your salary will be paid mid-month as an advance with the balance paid at the end of each month.
- Hours of Work
You are required to work between 8:00am to 12:00am and 1:30pm to 5pm, Monday to Friday except Vanuatu Public Holidays.
No overtime payment will be made except under exceptional circumstances with the prior approval from the Chairperson or Treasurer or Administrator. Should it be necessary, time off in lieu may be taken with prior arrangement of the Chairperson or upon application firstly to the Administrator.
- Annual Leave
Annual leave will be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Act
- Sick Leave
- Sick Leave will be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Act.
- The Employee shall notify the TV or ALAC Administrator and/or the TV or ALAC Office Assistant of your illness. The Administrator or Office Assistant shall convey your inability to attend work due to illness to the Chairperson and any others as soon as is practicable.
- The Employee must produce a medical certificate of illness for any period of sick leave in excess of 2 days.
- Vanuatu National Provident Fund
The provisions of the Vanuatu National Provident Fund Act [Cap 189] relating to Vanuatu National Provident Fund payments shall apply and any amendments thereto.
- Termination
- The provisions of the Employment Act [Cap 160] relating to termination shall apply and any amendments thereto.
- This Agreement may be terminated by either party with a XXXX written notice at any time
- If the Agreement is terminated by the employee, repayment of the balance outstanding under the advance for work permit fees where applicable must be made.
- In case of termination of the Agreement, remuneration and allowances, including where appropriate, payments in lieu of holidays, shall be paid within one week of the service being ceased.
- Employees’ duties can include (but are not limited to):
You will be required to work under the supervision of the Chairperson and/or Administrator:
Your duties will include:
Duties to be undertaken include(but are not limited to):
See relevant job description for a substantive list of duties and responsibilities
9. Confidentiality:
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu or in the course of carrying out of your functions shall be regarded as confidential by our Association, its members, officers and staffs.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its President or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint with Legal Officer and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this letter as if that person were also a party to it.
10. Other conditions:
As provided in the Employment Act
Date of the beginning of this contract:
……………………………….. …………………………….
For Transparency Vanuatu Employee
Date: Date:
The role of a Youth Development Officer within Transparency Vanuatu:
Your Objectives will include:
- Increasing public awareness through engagement with the Youth and establishing a monthly programme of youth group activities for Transparency Vanuatu
- Developing and expanding the knowledge of all youth within Vanuatu especially developing working relationships with Church Groups, Youth Against Corruption, Vanuatu Youth Council and All Schools
- Developing and arranging for training to be offered to Schools covering the Educational Curriculum years 7-8 and developing some input into this role with increasing into Years 9-13 and acting as the liaison person for circulation of the Educational Books in English and French and developing a liaison role with the Ministry of Education to undertake this role
- Developing an active role in good governance and transparency and overseeing roles requiring Transparency to attend and take an active role including, in time, a speaking role or speech delivery
- Inform others to assist to stamp out corruption
- Assisting all TV staff with matters requiring promotion through the Youth issues including contributing towards radio programs at the request of the Media Officer and/or assisting the Media Officer in the development of their content prior to presentation for the Youth
- Assisting the Media Officer in the preparation and development of all materials related to the youth development such as pamphlets, brochures, layout and working with the Media Officer or Chief Executive Officer as to content and requirements
- Establishing a Youth Membership for Transparency and discussing what they require and how Transparency can work to effect this membership role in line with its Constitution
- Maintaining and Developing the Membership and expanding the Membership base of Transparency Vanuatu including liaising with any prospective members or board members and providing them with any information
- Membership packs and membership letters and invoices will be under this role and will be developed in coordination with the Media Officer and the Chief Executive Officer for circulation by March in each year and regular follow up
- Fundraising in conjunction with the Youth will be essential to develop this role to maintain this sector – such ideas as letters seeking support, raffles, walks against corruption, CD of the Fest Napuan songs for sale or other ideas developed to increase and raise the profile of Transparency Vanuatu through this activity are essential
- Assisting and attending on behalf of Transparency as the Humanitarian Team Member for TV and attending meetings and reporting back to the Chief Executive Officer on requests/outcomes/issues
- Weekly Meeting of senior staff including Media Officer, Legal Officer, Advocacy Officer, Office Assistant and CEO each Monday for ½ hour to address any issues arising
- Ethical approach to all matters undertaken and to follow the core values of Transparency Vanuatu
The above can be achieved by expanding your duties on behalf of Transparency Vanuatu to include:
- Arranging the Youth programs to promote awareness and that of TV
- Establishing a network of potential youth members who would be suitable to include under potential new projects and providing them with additional training programs
- Establishing a network with the Department of Youth & Sport (Department of Education)
- Assisting the Media Officer with aspects of membership and delivery of all membership invoices
- Expanding the membership base to include youth members as well as other potential members and exploring ways to expand membership
- Contributing to any articles for the Daily Post or other media and other articles when required so to get the best impact especially in regard to youth
- Contribution to the Media Officer for articles for the Newsletter on a quarterly basis relating to Youth
- Undertake and expand to arrange workshops for schools working with the Ministry of Education on areas such as ethics and good governance
- Undertake and arrange workshops on UNCAC, Bribery, and Procurement with other TV staff members
- Working with all staff of Transparency to ensure they understand the youth participation and when you require their input or assistance on workshops or other events
- Attending meetings to increase the profile of Transparency especially regarding meetings with Vanuatu Humanitarian Team
Reporting and Job Evaluation
Reporting to the CEO
A quarterly job evaluation will be undertaken and you would be expected to provide weekly timesheets of work undertaken as requested from time to time.
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu or in the course of the carrying out of your functions shall be regarded as confidential by our Association, its members, officers and staff.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its Chairman or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint with TIV Legal Officer and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this letter as if that person were also a party to it.
Duties to include: but not limited to –
To work at Transparency Vanuatu and/or any projects of Transparency:
- Report to and closely liaise with the CEO and the Board
- Oversee the electronic mail for dissemination to other staff members to be carried out by the Office Assistant
- Ensure the Office Assistant maintains a set of well structured physical and electronic files in the office and all closed and archived files are recorded and maintained in storage for easy retrieval
- Review and supervise the preparation of payments for the office and projects for approval by the CEO and Finance Officer and signing by Board members, and follow up receipts
- Ensure all banking as and when required is undertaken by the Office Assistant
- Peruse the payroll duties twice monthly and prepared schedules by the Office Assistant for sign off by Finance Officer and CEO for Board Members cheque signatories
- Assist other financial reporting when required or as provided by the Board
- Oversee all data entry for financial expenditure and receipts using XERO Accounting system reports to assist and provide month end reporting on all projects including any running under TIV
- Prepare monthly reports for the Treasurer and Board on the status of each project and the general office expenditure.
- Supervise the maintenance of the petty cash on an impress basis including the accurate recording and documentation of the petty cash and duties undertaken by the Office Assistant.
- Ensure maintenance of all payments received for membership of Transparency as undertaken by the Office Assistant or other staff member if follow up is required
- Assist with the project proposals in respect to completing budget proposals as provided by the CEO.
- Ensure directors meetings and annual members meetings are in place and take place in accordance with the Constitution
- Ensure all accountancy procedures are maintained in accordance with audit requirements for each and every project running under Transparency
- Liaise with the auditors to get financial accounts prepared and delivered within the timeframe required by the Board and/or Project
- Ensure all reporting measures are met under the Strategic Plan 2020-2023 and beyond
- Ensure all accountancy reporting for projects are in correct format, have been correctly reported and are within budget and reported on time and liaison with funding partners Re same
Duties to include (but not limited to):
To work at Transparency Vanuatu:
- Report to and closely liaise with the CEO and Finance Officer
- Assist with the electronic mail for dissemination to other staff members.
- In liaison with the CEO and Finance Officer to maintain a set of well structured physical and electronic files in the office
- Maintain all closed files both electronically and physical including updating the database of archives and ensuring all box files are maintained in a tidy condition
- Attend to all banking as and when required
- Attend to all payroll duties twice monthly and prepare schedules well in advance to enable sign off by Finance Officer / CEO for Board Members cheque signatories
- Prepare all data entry for financial expenditure and receipts using XERO accounting system for provision to provide to Finance Officer and to assist with reports
- Supervise the maintenance of the petty cash on an impress basis including the accurate recording and documentation of the petty cash for presentation to the Finance Officer.
- Maintain the payments received for membership of Transparency and report to the responsible staff member or follow up if required
- Assist with the preparation of project proposals especially the budgets (with the assistance of the Finance Officer/CEO)
- Assist to Co-ordinate directors meetings and annual members meetings
- Obtain quotations from suppliers when needed and for project proposals
- Look after the smooth running of the office and office equipment while the CEO is not in the office in conjunction with the Media Officer
- Any other duties assigned from time to time by the CEO
- Attend to any correspondence and circulation of same as and when required by the Finance Officer and/or CEO
- Ensure all EU Reporting is correctly prepared in accordance with guidelines and in liaison with Finance Officer / CEO before finalizing any projects running under the EU
- Be a liaison for accountancy queries for all projects and then discuss with Finance Officer or CEO for clarification and action by them
- All accountancy requirements for all projects as per their TOR
- Ensure all payments are prepared well in advance of due dates
The role of a Media Officer within Transparency Vanuatu:
Your Objectives will include(but not limited to:
- Increasing public awareness through the press and preparing weekly press statement for Friday newspaper or coordinating other staff members to provide content for review which should include regular Bislama articles
- Developing and expanding the knowledge of all citizens within Vanuatu especially developing working relationships with – Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce, Election Office, VANGO, and Shefa Provincial Council
- Developing investigative journalism items to inform and to highlight good governance or breaches to expose these issues through editorials
- Develop an active role in good governance and transparency and overseeing roles requiring Transparency to attend meetings, conferences and take an active speaking role or speech delivery as required by the Administrator
- Inform others to assist to stamp out corruption
- Assisting all TV staff with matters requiring promotion through the media including coordinating radio programs, ensuring all topics are properly prepared and development of their content prior to presentation
- Preparing and developing all materials related to project development such as pamphlets, brochures, layout and working with the Project Coordinator as to content and updating any documents requiring reprinting
- Maintaining TV Website and Facebook page and regularly updating both medium to ensure up-to-date topics are included and monitoring negative feedback
- Contact for TI-S on matters of surveys, preparations of articles of Annual Reporting, input required for TI-S including being the main contact liaison person for the CPI surveys
- Preparation of all Transparency Vanuatu material required to be delivered at Pacific Meetings or Annual General Meeting level
- Maintaining the Members of Transparency Vanuatu in all media circulations, newsletters and events undertaken by Transparency
- Ethical approach to all matters undertaken and to follow the core values of Transparency Vanuatu
- Weekly senior staff meeting to be held for ½ hr on Monday with Project Coordinator, Youth Development Officer, and Media Officer and Administrator to discuss issues requiring assessment
- Monthly Reporting update on activities undertaken to be provided to the Administrator on the status of activities being undertaken so the Transparency Annual Workplan can be updated and reporting to the Board is maintained
The above can be achieved by expanding your duties on behalf of Transparency Vanuatu to include:
- Be available for meeting and greeting any prospective donor or prospective person wishing to discuss any project, prospect or other with another senior Transparency Vanuatu staff member
- Arranging a weekly radio program at FM107 for its 30 week duration and then ensuring all topics are available on disc for later use
- Arranging the Media programs to promote awareness TV
- Undertaking not only a media role but an investigative role to seek reform and implementation of actions to aid the reform sought
- Training TI staff and/or Board Members on ways to write articles for the Daily Post or other media and other articles when required so to get the best impact
- Preparation and Distribution of a Newsletter on a quarterly basis for TV
- Ensuring staff member attends to the Daily Corruption News links and these are disseminated daily and update circulation list quarterly
- Provide a service to Journalists and the Media Association both locally and internationally
- Undertake and arrange workshops for journalists, media personnel, newspaper personnel on ethics and good governance
- Undertake and arrange workshops on UNCAC, Bribery, and Procurement with other TV staff members
- Coordinating the establishment of a Website for TV with project pages for TV and ALAC and to write the content pages for these projects increasing awareness
- Working with all staff of Transparency to ensure they understand current topics being published and including UNCAC, Bibery issues and Procurement
- Additional training will be considered to further enhance your present qualifications
Reporting and Job Evaluation
Reporting to the Administrator
A quarterly job evaluation will be undertaken and you would be expected to provide regular reports as requested from time to time.
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu in the course of carrying out of your functions shall be regarded as confidential by our Association, its members, officers and staff.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its President or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint with the Legal Officer and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this letter as if that person were also a party to it.
The role of a Media / Publications Trainee Intern within Transparency Vanuatu:
Your Objectives will include(but not limited to:
- Increasing public awareness through the press and preparing weekly press statement for Friday newspaper or coordinating other staff members to provide content for review which should include regular Bislama articles for the media, working with Media Officer
- Developing investigative journalism items to inform and to highlight good governance or breaches to expose these issues through editorials either as supplied by Administrator, Media Officer or the Board
- Assisting all TV staff with matters requiring promotion through the media including assisting with input into radio programs, ensuring all topics are properly prepared and development of their content prior to presentation with other staff members
- Ethical approach to all matters undertaken and to follow the core values of Transparency Vanuatu
- Report Weekly with Media/Publications Officer and CEO to discuss issues requiring assessment for story development or otherwise
- Monthly Reporting update on activities undertaken to be provided to the Administrator on the status of activities being undertaken so the Transparency Annual Workplan/Strategic Plan can be updated and reporting to the Board is maintained
The above can be achieved by expanding your duties on behalf of Transparency Vanuatu to include:
- Liaising to assist with Media programs to promote awareness TV
- Undertaking not only a media role but an investigative role to seek reform and implementation of actions to aid the reform sought
- Assist with the Preparation and Distribution of a Newsletter on a quarterly basis for TV
- Ensuring staff member attends to the Daily Corruption News links and these are disseminated daily and update circulation list quarterly
- Assist in providing a service to Journalists and the Media Association both locally and internationally
- Attend or undertake and arrange workshops for journalists, media personnel, newspaper personnel on ethics and good governance
- Additional training will be considered to further enhance your present qualifications and you are asked to submit courses for development over the next six month for consideration
- Cross chapter training
- Training within Transparency workshops
Reporting and Job Evaluation
Reporting to the Administrator and Media Publications Development Officer
A quarterly job evaluation will be undertaken and you would be expected to provide weekly timesheets of work undertaken as requested from time to time.
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu in the course of carrying out of your functions shall be regarded as confidential by our Association, its members, officers and staff.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its President or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint with the Legal Officer and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this letter as if that person were also a party to it.
7.5.5 JOB DESCRIPTION – Youth Assistant delete
- Job Requirements
Youth assistants are required for our projects. Opportunities will be given to those who have been through a training programme offered by Transparency Vanuatu. They will therefore have some skills and knowledge of our basic training programme including the Constitution, Rights and Duties and Election process. Candidates must have good communication skills, preferably speak French and English as well as Bislama. Also, the candidates must have good computer skills including Publisher and Word and be able to produce flyers, brochures, and arrange meetings etc as their tasks.
(b) Project Requirements
The Youth Assistants will(but not limited to:
Assist the Youth Coordinator in tasks relating to implementation of the project including;
- Making appointments with potential stakeholders – Electoral Commission, Citizenship Office, National Youth Council and Youth Against Corruption among others
- Arranging meetings with schools, church youth groups, Transparency Youth Group and others to be included in our training programmes
- prepare a Toolkit for awareness raising in Bislama/French and English;
- photocopying, binding and other duties associated with the production of toolkits and having them prepared in advance for the meetings
- be responsible for obtaining information on the number of attendees following the awareness programmes under our results survey for end reporting
- ensuring all attendees at the workshops provide their names, addresses, mobile numbers and contact addresses etc to complete requirements of attendances under projects
- be responsible for obtaining and signing off all attendees who are allocated funding for bus fares etc
- assist with the material, preparation of the workshops and attendance to assist the Coordinators in their working duties under this role
- providing a weekly report of the duties undertaken by each Youth to the Project Coordinator on a worksheet
- assisting in final reporting on the project (if required)
- other duties as required from time to time to implement the terms of the project
“The Volunteer”
represented by ……………………….., Chairperson
“The Coordinator”
The Coordinator offers to the Volunteer the following arrangement for the Volunteer to act as Facilitator of area (“the area”) within the XXXProject (“the project”) effective from XXX
This Arrangement does not constitute full time or permanent employment and this is fully understood by the Volunteer at the time of signing.
The benefits for the Volunteer in undertaking this casual role for the project as offered by the Coordinator are the following:
- Benefits under Casual Volunteer Arrangement
- Full training offered by Transparency Vanuatu as to civics, rights and duties and government structure undertaken in Port Vila at the commencement of the project which will be beneficial for the Volunteer in future employment opportunities;
- Being authorised once trained to undertake workshops for and on behalf of the project in the area ;
- If the Volunteer successfully undertakes this role it will enable Transparency to include the Volunteer in any future projects currently being finalised to run in the islands;
- Future opportunities as to full time positions offered for upcoming projects; and
- Future training opportunities for other projects planned.
- Volunteers compensation and allowances as per the project will beas follows:
An allowance of VT (“allowance”) per month will be paid, to facilitate completion of the workshops in accordance with the Project Plan, subject to:
- All works being completed as per the project timeline and provided to the Coordinator or other designated person under the project as outlined in the job description attached;
- All works completed to a high standard, with diligent records kept of all project expenditure and workshop activities and provided to the Coordinator or other designated person under the project no later than one month following completion of the works.
- Any funding which is remaining surplus to expenditure upon completion of the project or phase thereof must be immediately returned to Transparency Vanuatu-ALAC’s nominated bank account.
- Allowance payments will be made commencing on XXXXsubject to Section 2 above for the project into the Volunteers nominated bank account.
- Subject to all work being of a required standard outlined in Section 2 above an additional Per Diem payment of xxxx vt per workshop may be made upon completion of Phase 1 or once all reporting is completed for each workshop and all financial reporting has been fully accounted (at the discretion of the Coordinator).
- Hours of Work
The Volunteer is required to work whatever hours are necessary to ensure successful planning and execution of the proposed workshops under the project which may include any follow up meetings, interviews or training programmes as may be deemed fit as per the planning provided to the Coordinator for the Volunteer’s area being covered.
No additional payments will be made over and above what has been outlined in Section 2 above.
- Termination
In the event of gross misconduct, or serious breach of the provisions of this arrangement, or in the case of serious deviation from the project objectives, Transparency Vanuatu retains the right to dismiss the volunteer without notice. In the event of such a dismissal the volunteer must immediately return all unused project finances to the nominated bank account of Transparency Vanuatu and all equipment and documentation belonging to the project.
- Volunteers duties can include:
You will be required to work under the supervision of the Project Coordinator/s
Your duties will include (but are not limited to):
- Preparation of workshops
- Execution of workshops
- Follow up meetings and interviews
- Conducting surveys as per the project plan
- Organisation of Activities leading up to and surrounding Anti-Corruption day on December 9th,
- Reporting on all activities undertaken
- Financial planning and management
- Maintain regular communication with your project coordinator
- Upon completion of each project, all reports, original receipts etc must be returned in a sealed envelope to the Transparency Office in Port Vila
6. Confidentiality
Any information obtained through your work with Transparency Vanuatu or in the course of carrying out any of your functions shall be regarded as strictly confidential by our Association, its members, officers and staff.
You undertake to keep all Information confidential and not to disclose it to anyone except as requested by the Board of Transparency Vanuatu or its Chairperson or as allowed by the parties involved in any complaint and to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected with security measures and a degree of care that would apply to your own confidential information. You further undertake to use the Confidential Information only for the Purpose Permitted by the parties and to use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that any person to whom you pass any Confidential Information acknowledges and complies with the provisions of this letter as if that person were also a party to it.
7. Other conditions: As provided in the Project Plan;
a) Upon completion of the project, or any phase thereof, all unused finances must be immediately returned to the nominated bank account of Transparency Vanuatu.
Failure to do so will result in serious action being taken against the Volunteer, his agents or any other party involved in the retention of these funds.
b) Strict financial management and record keeping of all funds allocated to your project must be adhered to. It is imperative to the project that all receipts are retained, and properly recorded in your project financial statements. Periodically, or as requested by your project coordinators, all original copies of receipts must be returned to the Transparency Vanuatu office in Port Vila.
c) All materials and equipment, including mobile phones, remain the property of Transparency Vanuatu. These items must be maintained to a high standard and returned to Transparency Vanuatu in good working order upon completion of the project or any part thereof.
Date of the beginning of this contract:
……………………………….. …………………………….
Volunteer Transparency Vanuatu
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has the responsibility to lead and manage TV according to the Board of Directors’ instructions and guidance and to report and advise the Board of TV accordingly.
1. Administration, Management and Leadership
1.1. Administration routine
1.1.a | Maintain office procedures and filing systems and seeing that correct recording and holding of all information concerning Projects, Financial Reporting and Board Reporting is correctly maintained and able to be retrieved for any situation |
1.1.b | Attend to all incoming correspondence whether by letter or by electronic means and seeing that it is appropriately answered, filed and/or disseminated to the correct party for follow up |
1.1.c | Maintain Assets Register for Transparency Vanuatu and all individual Projects |
1.1.d | Maintain a Daily Diary and Follow up system |
1.1.e | Ensure that the Archive System instituted is maintained and on a yearly basis – the years pervious are correctly archived and recorded |
1.1.g | Open correspondence, ensuring that it is correctly sent on to parties concerned i.e Board / or follow up from Transparency |
1.2. Membership and Board Meetings
1.2.a | Report monthly to the Board of Transparency on the status of Transparency Vanuatu and its membership as advised by Youth Development Officer |
1.2.b | Ensure membership letters to be sent to all members in March of each year and follow up with electronic or mailed accounts after 31 March in each year by Youth Development Officer |
1.2.c | Prepare Board Agenda and Minutes for circulation to all Board Members |
1.2.d | Ensure Office Assistant has the Board Meeting catered for refreshments and all material available for the meeting |
1.2.e | Maintain of the Board Membership Listing |
1.3. Delegating
1.3.a | Delegate tasks to Office Assistant and ensure tasks are correctly carried out and reported |
1.3.b | Delegate tasks to Youth Development Officer and ensure tasks are correctly carried out and reported |
1.3.c | Delegate tasks to Media /Publications Officer and ensure tasks are correctly carried out and reported |
1.3.d | Delegate tasks to Project Officer and ensure tasks are correctly carried out and reported |
1.4. Decision Making and Problem Solving
1.4.a | Demonstrate within the mandate given by the Board of Director a level of autonomy and be able to resolve problems and assure a good team spirit and cohesion within the running of the office. |
1.5. Representing
1.5.a | Delegate the Representation of TV staff at other NGOs’ meeting as agreed by the Board |
2. Financing and Planning
2.1. Accounting
2.1.a | Oversee the correct overall accounting procedures are maintained by Transparency Vanuatu as delegated to the Accountancy Assistant with the Treasurer |
2.1.b | Organise the approval and sign off of all monthly accounts and the allocation of correct coding for input into MYOB |
2.1.c | Make sure that Financial Reporting is available for each Board Meeting Including a Profit and Loss Account as required by the Board |
2.1.d | Ensure the Petty Cash balances on a weekly basis and inspection of the Petty Cash book |
2.1.e | Sign off on all expenditure – major expenditure requiring three quotations and approval of the Board |
2.1.f | Prepare the Annual Budget for TV |
2.2. Planning
2.2.a | Work within the Strategic Plan as adopted by the Board |
2.2.b | Prepare annual Work Plan for TV pursuant to the Strategic Plan |
2.2.c | Delegate Project coordinators, Youth Development Officer and Media/Publications Officer their annual Work Plans, control the feasibility of the work plans and make necessary adjustments in consultation with them and the Board. |
2.2.d | Implement the Strategic Plan and the Annual Work Plan |
3. Organizing
3.1 HR Management and Staff Organization
3.1.a | Deal with staff issues including recruitment of staff, staff evaluation etc every three months, salary reviews on a yearly basis and general day to day administration issues with maintaining staff under contract |
3.1.b | Deal with any staffing issues including notices and final terminations and reporting to the Board as required |
3.1.c | Oversee the day-to-day activities of all staff members and seeing that they are meeting their timeframes allocated under their jobs roles and any issues surrounding their functions within that role on a regular basis |
3.1.d | Provide where appropriate and available training or opportunities for training |
3.1.e | Create and maintain team working atmosphere and in line with core values of Transparency |
3.2 Project Management
3.2.a | Set reporting procedures required for all Projects including meeting the deadlines, dealing with requirements from the reporting bodies concerned and sending to Project Coordinator including sourcing new funding and projects |
3.3 Website/Emails
3.3.a | Ensure review of Website, Facebook and dissemination of emails is carried out under the control of the Media/Publications Officer |
3.4. Organizing activities
3.4.a | Ensure the organization of activities such as awareness meetings, round-table on corruption and civic issues is maintained being delegated to the Project Coordinator/ Youth Development Officer/ Media/Publications Manager, to maintain continuity. |
3.4.b | The staff are to organize and/or participate in activities (other than project) to promote the vision, mission, values and principles advocated by TV as specified in the Strategic Plan. |
Tasks Number | Tasks | Indicators of performance |
1.1.a | Maintain office procedures and filing systems and seeing that correct recording and holding of all information concerning Projects, Financial Reporting and Board Reporting is correctly maintained and able to be retrieved for any situation | – Offices procedures in-place – Efficient filing system in place and updated |
1.1.b | Attend to all incoming correspondence whether by letter or by electronic means and seeing that it is appropriately answered, filed and/or disseminated to the correct party for auctioning | – Correspondence recorded, answered, filed, disseminated – Correspondence and/or e-mail registered and store |
1.1.c | Maintain Assets Register for Transparency Vanuatu and all individual Projects | – Register in place, updated |
1.1.d | Maintain a Daily Diary and follow up system | – Diary in-place, updated |
1.1.e | Ensure that the Archive System is maintained and on a yearly basis – the years pervious are correctly archived and recorded | – Archive system, maintained – Archive record maintain |
1.1.f | Delegation of meet and greet any prospective person requesting an appointment with Transparency Vanuatu and if appropriate arranging for a Board representative to be available for this purpose or officer in charge of the respective area | – Person having an appointment is politely greeted – Agenda of meeting and /or official appointment is maintained and updated. |
1.1.g | Open correspondence, ensuring that it is correctly sent on to parties concerned i.e Board / or followed up from Transparency | – Correspondence disseminated correctly |
1.2.a | Report from Youth Development Officer of a report to the Board of Transparency on the status of Transparency Vanuatu and its membership | – Monthly report done and archived. |
1.2.b | Prepare of Board Agenda and Minutes for circulation to all Board Members | – Agenda of the Board Meeting prepare, circulate in time. |
1.2.d | Ensure Board Meeting is either catered for refreshments and all material available for the meeting – delegated task | – Catering organised – Material available in time |
1.2.e | Maintain of the Board Membership Listing | – List maintained, stored and available |
1.3.a | Delegate all tasks to Office Assistant, Accountancy Assistant or Senior staff and ensure tasks are correctly carried out and reported | – Tasks delegated listed and monitored |
1.4.a | Demonstrate within the mandate given by the Board of Directors a level of autonomy and be able to resolve problems and assure a good coherence in the running of the office. | – autonomy demonstrated – problems are solved in a timely and efficient way |
1.5.a | Delegate a Representative of TV at other NGOs’ meetings as agreed by the Board or the Administrator for the area requesting attendance | – Report of meeting attended by CEO is done and circulate to Board members |
2.1.a | Oversee the correct accounting procedures are maintained for each Project in conjunction with Project Coordinator Ensure Transparency Vanuatu accountancy procedures are maintained in conjunction with the Accountancy Assistant | – Accounting procedures supervised and controlled. |
2.1.b | Organise the approval and sign off of all monthly accounts and the allocation of correct coding for input into Xero | – Monthly accounts organised, in order and monitored according to Board instruction |
2.1.c | Ensure Accountancy assistant has Financial Reporting available for each Board Meeting Including a Profit and Loss Account as required by the Board | – Financial report available |
2.1.d | Ensure Accountancy Assistant has the Petty Cash balances on a weekly basis and inspection of the Petty Cash book | – Petty Cash balanced and inspection acknowledged. |
2.1.e | Sign off on all expenditure – major expenditure requiring three quotations and approval of the Board | – Expenditure controlled according to budget |
2.1.f | Prepare the Annual Budget with Treasurer input | – Annual Budget prepared |
2.2.a | Strategic Plan prepared in 2012 and with the Project Coordinator arrange presentation to the Board | – Strategic Plan prepared and updated |
2.2.b | Prepare annual Work Plan for TV based on Strategic Plan | – Annual Plan prepared and implemented |
2.2.c | Prepare with Project Coordinators, Youth Development Officer, Media/Publications Officer of their annual Work Plans, control the feasibility of the work plan and make necessary adjustments . | – Project Annual Plan prepared and implemented |
2.2.d | Implement the Strategic Plan and the Annual Work Plan | – Strategic Plan implemented and monitored |
3.1.a | Deal with staff issues including recruitment of staff, staff evaluation every three months, salary reviews on a yearly basis and general day to day administration issues with maintaining staff under contract | – Staff issues are dealt with in efficient, human and timely ways |
3.1.b | Deal with any staffing issues including notices and final terminations and reporting to the Board as required | – Staff issues are dealt with in efficient, human and timely ways |
3.1.c | Oversee the day-to-day activities of all staff members and seeing that they are meeting their timeframes allocated under their jobs roles and any issues surrounding their functions within that role on a regular basis | – Staff issues are dealt with in efficient, human and timely ways |
3.1.d | Provide where appropriate and available training or opportunities for training | – Available training provided or opportunities offered. – In-service training plan based on staff evaluation drafted |
3.1.e | Create and maintain Team Work spirit in line with Core values of Transparency | – Team Work visible during running of activities |
3.2.a | Present the Report of the Project Coordinator required for all Projects including meeting the deadlines, dealing with requires from the reporting bodies concerned | – Procedures followed with no-breach of procedures |
3.4.a | Coordinate weekly ½ hr staff meeting to organize activities such as awareness meeting, round-table on corruption and civic issues or deal with issues arising in their control for discussion and delegate activities or actions to be done. | – Activities organised |
3.4.b | Coordinate and delegate the organization and/or participate to activities (other than project) to promote the vision, mission, values and principles advocated by TV as specified in the Strategic Plan. | – TV well-present in the media and with the other NGOs |
Performance Evaluation Form
Review Information | ||||
Employee Name | ||||
Job Title | ||||
Department | ||||
Manager/Supervisor | ||||
Review Period | From | To |
(5) = Exceptional | (4) = Exceeds Requirements | (3) = Meets Requirements | (2) = Gets By | (1) = Needs Work | |
Makes realistic goals | |||||
Meets deadlines | |||||
Works smarter, not harder | |||||
Looks for efficiencies | |||||
Completes tasks | |||||
Shows good judgments |
(5) = Exceptional | (4) = Exceeds Requirements | (3) = Meets Requirements | (2) = Gets By | (1) = Needs Work | |
Processes received information | |||||
Listens to others | |||||
Communicates effectively | |||||
Verbal communications | |||||
Written communications such as reports, documents | |||||
E-mail etiquette | |||||
Telephone etiquette |
(5) = Exceptional | (4) = Exceeds Requirements | (3) = Meets Requirements | (2) = Gets By | (1) = Needs Work | |
Leads by example | |||||
Finds realistic solutions | |||||
Acts decisively; meets problems head-on | |||||
Brings out the best in team members | |||||
Resolves conflicts | |||||
Establishes clear expectations | |||||
Provides necessary resources | |||||
Delegates clearly |
Personal Development
(5) = Exceptional | (4) = Exceeds Requirements | (3) = Meets Requirements | (2) = Gets By | (1) = Needs Work | |
Even-tempered under pressure | |||||
Sets high standards for self | |||||
Sets challenging goals |
(5) = Exceptional | (4) = Exceeds Requirements | (3) = Meets Requirements | (2) = Gets By | (1) = Needs Work | |
Strong customer advocate | |||||
Sets aside personal biases and wants | |||||
Gives good, practical advice | |||||
Fosters loyalty in employees |
(5) = Exceptional | (4) = Exceeds Requirements | (3) = Meets Requirements | (2) = Gets By | (1) = Needs Work | |
Prioritizes tasks | |||||
Responds quickly and well to problems | |||||
Manages costs effectively | |||||
Develops new strategies | |||||
Organizes tasks |
Goals For Next Review Period |
Indicate the agreed upon goals and standards of performance which are appropriate to establish for the next review period. Consider actions, activities or programs designed to meet job objectives and functions over the next review period. |
Employee Comments |
Signatures | ||
Employee | Date | |
(The employee’s signature indicated that he/she was given the opportunity to read this review and add comments; it does not necessarily signify total agreement.) | ||
Manager/ Supervisor | Date | |
Name | Email address |
Joe Higgs Kalo | Chairman | |
Sandra M Garae | Treasurer | |
Kevin V Henry | Secretary | |
Jon Botleng | Board Member | |
Elma Didas | Board Member | |
John Patas | Board Member | |
Viviane Licht | Board Member | |
John Lyn Regenvanu | Board Member | |
Willie Tokon | Chief Executive Officer | |
Albert Taufa | Legal Officer | |
Pelagie Maho | Finance Officer | |
Len Garae | Media Officer | |
Douglas Tamara | Community Advocacy Officer | |
Tony Ialu | Office Assistant | |
Under The Charitable Associations (Incorporation) Act [Cap 140]
Updated June 2011
Committed to the principles of GOOD GOVERNANCE, ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY and RESPONSIBILITY, with a view to eliminating CORRUPTION in all its forms and within the spirit of the CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU:
We the Members hereby set ourselves to establishing the Vanuatu Chapter of Transparency International, based on the universal values and principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights; recognition of the importance of the aspirations of the People of Vanuatu; and the imperative to promote social and economic development and the alleviation of poverty to improve the quality of life of everyone in Vanuatu.
In these Rules unless inconsistent with the context or subject matter:
a) “Annual Meeting” means an annual general meeting of the Association;
b) “Association” means the Chapter of “Transparency Vanuatu”;
c) “Board” means a quorum of the Board at the time being of the Association appointed pursuant to Rule 25 of these Rules and present at a duly constituted meeting on the Board;
d) “General Meeting” shall include Annual Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting;
e) “Member” means a Member for the time being of the Association;
f) “Month” means a calendar month;
g) “Secretary/Treasurer” means the Secretary/Treasurer of the Association or in case of his/her absence or illness the acting Secretary/Treasurer;
h) “Director” means an elected Member of the Committee/Board as defined in the Charitable Associations (Incorporation) Act [Cap 140];
i) “Board” means Committee as defined in the Charitable Associations (Incorporation) Act [Cap 140];
j) Words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa and words importing one gender shall include all other genders;
k) “Writing” means written or printed or type-written or partly written or printed or typewritten;
l) “Founder Members” means the list of Members who signed the founding document dated 12th June 2001
m) “Chief Executive Officer” means the appointed Chief Executive Officer appointed by the Association in accordance with the contract of employment signed by the Chairperson
n) headings and marginal notes are for reference purposes only. - NAME
The name of the Association is Transparency Vanuatu (Inc). - OBJECTS
The objects for which the Association is formed are:
a) To raise public awareness and advance the general education of the public in matters relating to the nature and consequences of corruption in government agencies as well as in international business transactions, including overseas development initiatives, and existing legislation and other guidelines which exist to combat corruption;
(b) To promote, undertake or commission research for the public benefit in matters relating to the nature and consequences of corruption in government agencies as well as in international business transactions and the cost-effectiveness of overseas development initiatives and to disseminate the useful results of any such research;
(c) To support and promote the charitable educational aims and objectives of Transparency International, a not-for-profit organisation under German Law, and in particular to assist in securing support within Vanuatu of a Standards of Conduct designed to promote transparency and accountability in government agencies as well as in international business transactions, and to co-operate with other charitable organisations throughout Vanuatu with similar objectives;
(d) To provide assistance and expertise to parties to international trade, investment and economic and social development to assist them in ensuring compliance with existing anti-corruption legislation and Standards of Conduct established in conjunction with Transparency International in Germany and other bodies;
(e) To give the legislative, public bodies and other facilities expert assistance for conferring with and ascertaining the views of persons and institutions engaged in combating corruption as regards matter directly or indirectly affecting that activity;
(f) To arrange, provide, organise or promote alone or with others, the provision singular for conferences, lectures, seminars, meetings, courses, exhibitions, training, information and advisory services and other events and services in furtherance of the objects of the Association; and
(g) To write, make, prepare, edit and print, publish, issue and circulate gratuitously or otherwise, reports, periodicals, books, pamphlets, leaflets, articles, films, video tapes, computer software, electronic devices, materials for study or other documents in furtherance of or necessary for the promotion of the objects of the Association, or procure any of the above acts. - POWERS
In addition to any others powers conferred by law, the Association shall have the following powers in order to establish sustainable financing mechanisms:
(a) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire and maintain any real or personal property and any rights and privileges in relation thereto;
(b) To sell, exchange, lease, mortgage, hire, dispose of or turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the real and personal property of the Association;
(c) To borrow, raise or secure the payment of money in such manner as the Association thinks fit with power to issue debentures, grant mortgages, charges or any other class of security upon or charging all or any of the properties real or personal howsoever or wheresoever situate and both present and future of the Association and to redeem or pay off any existing or future security;
(d) To invest and deal with the monies of the Association not immediately required for the purpose of the Association in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Board;
(e) To amalgamate, co-operate, affiliate and enter into reciprocal arrangements with any other Association having objects wholly or in part similar to those of the Association;
(f) To appoint, employ and pay officers and servants and to dismiss or suspend any officer or servant;
(g) To do all such other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the Association’s objects. - INCOME AND PROPERTY
a) The funds of the Association are to be derived from subscriptions paid by Members of the Association, from the raising of such monies as the Association may be empowered to raise and from any other source as may be from time to time approved by the Board.
(b) The income and property of the Association, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects of the Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly as a dividend or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the Members provided that remuneration may be paid in good faith to officers and servants of the Association and other persons for goods supplied or services actually rendered to the Association and further, the Board in its absolute discretion, may make ex gratia payments for the purposes of the Association and such payments shall not be construed as being by way of a distribution of profits. - REGISTERED OFFICE
(a) The office of the Association shall be located at Rivarec Pacific Building, Rue Bouganville, Port Vila, (“Office”) or such other place as the Board may from time to time resolve.
(b) Notice to be served on the Association may be served by :
(i) leaving such notices addressed to the Association at the office, or
(ii) forwarding such notices addressed to the Association by prepaid registered mail to Transparency Vanuatu, P.O. Box 355, Port Vila. - MEMBERSHIP
The Association shall consist of the following classes of Members:
(a) Full Members:
Full Members shall be entitled to the full rights and privileges of Membership of the Association including the right to attend and vote at any General Meeting of the Association.
(b) Honorary Members
Honorary Membership may be, at the discretion of the Board conferred upon any person whom the Board considers to be worthy and Honorary Members shall be accorded all the privileges of a Full Member and have the right to attend General Meetings of the Association but not vote thereat. Honorary Membership shall expire three (3) months from the date of the Board resolution cancelling such Membership or at such earlier time as the Board in its sole discretion may resolve at the time of cancelling such Membership.
1) Membership of the Association shall be open to:
(a) Subject to Article 8, individuals and/or corporations resident in Vanuatu who support the objects of the Association;
(b) Non-resident individuals and/or corporations who in the absolute discretion of the Board are invited to and admitted to the Membership as Honorary Members.
2) Staff of the Association cannot be Directors.
(a) Application for admission to Membership of the Association (“Application”) shall be:
(i) in writing addressed to the Secretary/Treasurer in such form as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time;
(ii) accompanied by such payment in favour of the Association as is prescribed by the Board from time to time as the subscription for the class of Membership to which admission is sought; and
(iii) delivered to the Association in accordance with the Rules for delivery of notices to the Association prescribed by these Rules.
(b) Upon receipt of the Application the Secretary/Treasurer shall:
(i) forward acknowledgment of receipt of same to the person named as applicant therein and;
(ii) if reasonably possible, prior to the next meeting of the Board, forward notice of the Application to all paid-up Members and request Members’
objections to the Application, but forward such notice within a reasonable time in any event.
(c) A meeting of the Board shall:
(i) Consider the Applications together with relevant objections of Members as have been received by the Association but which have not at the time of the meeting, yet been considered;
(ii) resolve either to accept or reject each Application.
(d) The Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain a Register of Members and shall notify each applicant of the Board the decision on applicant’s Application and record the name of each successful applicant in the Register of Members.
(i) If the applicant is rejected which is at the discretion of the Board, any annual subscription paid in advance will be refunded in full.
(e) The Board may:
(i) grant an applicant Honorary Membership pending a resolution by the Board to reject or accept that applicant’s Application;
(ii) require an applicant for Membership to attend before it and provide such further information or to produce documents as the Board sees fit prior to resolving on a relevant Application.
(f) If requested, the Secretary/Treasurer shall provide every successful applicant with a copy of the Rules of the Association and any by-laws made there under.
8(B). ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS - The Association is a non-profit organisation and will be financed by annual Membership fees. The Association may also be supported by income other than Membership fees, such as donations or gifts and by contributions to expenses.
- The annual subscription payable by Members of the Association shall be as prescribed by the Directors from time to time, including payment in kind, donations and by contributions to expenses.
- The Directors may, in their absolute discretion determine a discount for annual subscriptions paid in advance.
- The annual subscription period shall be computed from 1 January in each year, and annual subscriptions shall be due and payable before the 30th of March each year in advance.
If the subscription of a Member remains unpaid for a period of three (3) months after it becomes due, and following a renewal notice being sent, the Board may expel the Member from Membership of the Association and remove the Member’s name from the register of Members. - RIGHTS OF MEMBERSHIP MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED
A Member may not transfer the rights and privileges of Membership of the Association. - RESIGNATION
Any Member who has paid all moneys due or payable to the Association may resign from the Association upon first giving one month’s notice in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer of his/her intention in that regard and upon the expiration of such notice such Member
shall cease to be a Member. Any cessation of Membership of the Association shall take effect without prejudice to any prior act, omission, matter or thing.
10 (A). MISCONDUCT OF A MEMBER - If any Member:
(a) is in breach of the provisions of the Constitution of the Association; or
(b) is guilty of any act or omission which, in the opinion of the Directors is unbecoming of a Member, or prejudicial to the interest of the Association, the Directors may expel the Member from the Association and remove the Member’s name from the Register of Members. - The Directors shall not expel a Member under Article 10 A (1) unless at least 21 days’ notice has been given to the Member stating the date, time and place at which the question of expulsion of that Member is to be considered by the Directors, and the nature of the alleged misconduct and the Member have been given the right to address the Board in writing or verbally for the Board to consider.
- Any expulsion of a Member must be ratified during the next planned AGM. If the expulsion is not ratified, the Member is automatically reinstated.
A Member’s Membership of the association shall automatically cease:
(a) in the case of a Member who is a natural person on the date that the Member:
(i) dies; or
(ii) becomes of unsound mind or a person whose estate is liable to be dealt with in any way under the Mental Health; or
(iii) is declared Bankrupt.
(b) in the case of a Member which is a body corporate on the date that:
(i) a liquidator is appointed in connection with the winding-up of the Member; or
(ii) an order is made by a court for the winding-up or deregistration of the Member. - FAILURE TO TAKE UP ELECTION
No applicant shall be entitled to exercise any of the privileges of a Member unless and until he/she shall have paid all fees subscriptions payable by him/her on his/her admission. If such payments are not made within two (2) weeks of the admission, the Board may declare the admission void but the applicant shall nevertheless remain liable for the payment of and be sued for all such monies - MEMBERSHIP REGISTER
The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep and maintain a register of Members in which shall be entered the full names and date of admission of every Member and the class of Membership to which that Member belongs and further the Secretary/Treasurer shall also keep and maintain a record of the financial status of such Members. - GENERAL MEETING
(a) The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held within 8 months after the end of the financial year, ie; the 31st December in each year, on such date as the Board may determine each year.
(b) The Secretary/Treasurer shall whenever required by the Board or by written requisition of not less than thirty per cent (30%) of Members of the Association stating the objects for which the meeting is desired, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of Members. Such meeting shall be convened not less than fourteen (14) days or more than one (1) month after receipt by the Secretary/Treasurer of such request and if in a case of requisition by Members as aforesaid the meeting shall not be convened within the time required as above the requisitioners may by a resolution, appoint one of their number to convene such meeting. - PLACE OF MEETING
Every General Meeting shall be held at a location determined by the Board as being convenient to the Members. - NOTICE OF MEETING
Fourteen (14) day’s notice in writing of every General Meeting shall be forwarded to every Full Member at his/her address appearing in the Register of Members by prepaid post or by delivery of notice (including email, by-hand, post or facsimile) to the place of residence and/or the last known address provided of Full Members stating the time of the meeting and the nature of the business transacted. No business other than that set out in the notice convening the meeting shall be transacted at any General Meeting. Any Member desiring to bring forward any business may give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary/Treasurer who thereupon shall include same in the notice calling the next General Meeting to be called after receipt of such notice from a Member. - QUORUM AND GENERAL MEETINGS
At all General Meetings thirty per centum (30%) of the Full Members shall constitute a quorum. If within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum
is not present, the meeting (if convened upon the requisition of Members) shall be dissolved. In any other case, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week and the same time and place and at such adjourned meeting those present shall form a quorum for all purposes. - CHAIRMAN AT MEETING
The Chairman and in his/her absence the Secretary/Treasurer shall preside as Chairman at every General Meeting of the Association and in the absence of the Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer those present shall elect one of their number to be Chairman. - ADJOURNMENT
The Chairman may, with the consent of the General Meeting, adjourn any meeting from time to time, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting at which the adjournment took place. - VOTING
(a) Subject to the next succeeding sub-clause, resolutions shall be carried by a majority of the Members present either in person or by duly authorised representative at any General Meeting. In the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
(b) A Member may vote by way of postal vote on any matter at a General Meeting provided that such vote is received by the Secretary/Treasurer twenty-four (24) hours before the commencement of that meeting. - POLL
At any General Meeting a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried and an entry to that effect in the minute book of the proceedings of the Association shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of all votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution provided that any three Members may, by standing, call for a poll which shall thereupon be taken without further debate. - PROXIES
Subject to Rule 22 every Full Member shall, by notice in writing, be entitled to one vote at every General Meeting and may appoint any other Member to vote on his/her behalf by proxy which shall be deposited with the Secretary/Treasurer at least twenty four (24) hours before the time of the meeting in respect of which the proxy is appointed. - VOTING WHEN SUBSCRIPTION IN ARREARS
No Members shall be entitled to vote at any meeting or on any poll unless all monies due from him or her or it (in the case of a Body Corporate), to the Association (other than sums due for subscriptions for the current year) have been paid in full. - ORDER OF BUSINESS
The following shall be the order of business at every Annual Meeting:
(a) confirmation of the minutes of the last Annual Meeting and of any General Meeting or meetings held since the preceding Annual Meeting;
(b) receipt of the annual balance sheet, profit and loss and accompanying accounts and reports of the Board and the auditor and the adoption of the same or otherwise;
(c) the election of the Board;
(d) the appointment of an auditor (who shall be a qualified accountant); and
(e) general business. - MINUTES
Minutes of the proceedings at every General Meeting (whether Annual or not) shall be entered and kept in a minute book and such minutes when so signed shall be conclusive evidence that the proceedings minuted therein were regular and actually took place as minuted at a meeting duly convened and held and shall be binding on all Members of the Association except as to any irregular proceedings declared and annulled at a General Meeting called for that purpose and held within three (3) months after the irregular proceedings. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS
(a) The Board of the Association will strive for a balanced and diverse representation on the Board. The Board shall consist of 8 Directors including: the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, the Secretary/Treasurer and six (6) other Members and shall hold office for a term of one (1) year. Unless otherwise resolved by the Association Membership of the Board shall not exceed nine (9) Members except for the first Board of Directors creating the Association who will then be both the Members constituting the Association and the first Directors for a period of 9 months (see clause 5).
(b) Elections for the Board shall be held at the Annual Meeting.
(c) At the first Annual Meeting of the Association all the Directors shall retire from office and at the Annual Meeting in every subsequent year one-third of the
Directors for the time being or, if their number is not three or a multiple of three, then the number nearest one-third, shall retire from office.
(d) The Directors to retire in every year shall be those who have been longest in office since their last election, but as between persons who became Directors on the same day those to retire shall (unless they otherwise agree among themselves) be determined by lot.
(e) A retiring Director shall be eligible for re-election.
(f) The Association, at the meeting at which a Director retires in manner aforesaid, may fill the vacated office by electing a person thereto, and in default the retiring Director shall, if offering himself for re-election, be deemed to have been re-elected, unless a resolution for the election of such Director shall have been put to the meeting and lost.
(g) Unless recommended by the Directors, no person, other than a Director retiring at the meeting, shall be eligible for election to the office of Director at any general meeting unless nominated in accordance with section 26(a).
(h) The Association may from time to time by ordinary resolution increase or reduce the number of Directors, and may also determine in what rotation the increased or reduced number is to go out of office.
(i) The Directors shall have power at any time, and from time to time, to appoint any person to be a Director, either to fill a casual vacancy or as an additional to the existing Directors, but so that the total number of Directors shall not at any time exceed the number fixed in accordance with these articles. Any Director so appointed shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting, and shall then be eligible for re-election, but shall not be taken into account in determining the Directors who are to retire by rotation at such meeting.
(j) Honorary Members shall be accorded all the privileges of a Full Member except the right to attend General Meetings of the Association and vote thereat
(e) A retiring Director shall be eligible for re-election or for election to another office and shall hold office until his/her successor is elected. - ELECTION OF BOARD
(a) A Member wishing to nominate another Member for Board Membership shall forward a nomination in writing and signed by two Members nominating an office on the Board for which the Member wishes his nominee to be a candidate to be received by the Secretary at least seven (7) clear days before the Annual Meeting accompanied by a notice in writing signed by the nominated Member of his willingness to be elected.
(b) The Secretary /Treasurer shall post all nominations on the Association’s Notice Board at least seven (7) days before the General Meeting.
(c) The election of the Directors of the Board shall be by ballot and the Directors so elected shall hold office from the conclusion of the meeting at which they were appointed or their appointment was renewed.
(d) In the event of candidates for Board Directorship receiving an equal number of votes, the Chairperson shall have an additional or casting vote.
(e) A Board Director/Member must be a full Member of the Association to be eligible for a post of Director. - DUTIES OF OFFICE BEARERS
(a) Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings and he/she shall be an ex-officio Member of any sub-Boards established by the Board. The Chairperson shall certify the correctness of minutes of meetings and with the Secretary /Treasurer shall draw and sign all cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other documents for and on behalf of the Association unless otherwise resolved by the Association.
(b) Secretary /Treasurer
(i) The Secretary /Treasurer shall assist the Chairperson and shall carry out the duties of the Chairperson during the Chairperson’s absence.
(ii) The Secretary /Treasurer shall be responsible for the compilation and safe-keeping of minutes of all meetings, the maintenance of a Register of all Members of the Association and of the officials and Directors.
(iii) The Secretary/Treasurer shall attend to all general correspondence and shall have the custody of all books, documents and securities of the Association.
(iv) The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for the banking and accounting for Association funds. He or she shall supervise and maintain the keeping of full and proper accounts of the Association and he/she shall arrange for the same to be audited and presented to the Annual General Meeting.
(v) The position of Secretary/Treasurer can be divided, at any time, into two positions of Secretary and Treasurer by a resolution of the Board of Directors. The Directors will also have the power to appoint a new office
holder chosen amongst the existing Directors and to define the respective functions of the two positions so divided. - MANAGEMENT
The business of the Association shall be managed by the Board which may exercise all powers of the Association that are not by these Rules required to be exercised by the Association in a General Meeting subject nevertheless to these Rules. - POWERS OF THE BOARD
Without prejudice, to the powers conferred by the last preceding Rule, the Board shall have power to do any one or more of the following things:
(a) To determine from time to time the conditions on which and times when Members may use the property of the Association or any part or parts thereof and when and under what conditions the premises of the Association or any part or parts thereof shall be used by Members;
(b) To appoint officials or servants of the Association and to remove them as occasion may require at their discretion;
(c) To delegate (subject to such conditions as it thinks fit) any of its powers to sub-Boards consisting of such Directors of the Board and other Members of the Association co-opted for that purpose as it may determine and to make such regulations as to the proceedings of such sub-Board as may be thought desirable;
(d) To regulate and control Board Meetings and the transaction of business thereat;
(e) To pay to any servant of the Association any gratuity for faithful and diligent service as it sees fit;
(f) To elect or vote on the election of Full Members and Honorary Members;
(g) To appoint from time to time any two or more Members of the Association (at least one of whom shall be a Director of the Board) to be a sub-Board for any particular purpose and to revoke their appointment;
(h) Subject to these Rules, to draw, make, accept, endorse and issue negotiable securities or instruments of whatsoever kind or nature and to determine by what officers of the Association such negotiable securities or instruments shall be signed or endorsed;
(i) To borrow or raise financial accommodation with or without giving security and to sell and dispose of the assets of the Association. - VACANCY OF THE BOARD
The Board may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body. - DUTY OF BOARD
It shall be the duty of the Board to manage and conduct the affairs of the Association. - VACATION OF OFFICE
The office of Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer or ordinary Member shall be vacated if the office holder:
(a) shall cease to be a Member of the Association, or
(b) shall hold any office of profit from the Association, or
(c) shall become insolvent or assign his/her estate pursuant to any Act or Regulation relating to insolvency for the time being in force in Vanuatu, or
(d) shall fail to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Board. - CASUAL VACANCIES
Any Member may be appointed by the Board to fill any casual vacancy occurring in the Board provided that any person so appointed shall hold office only until the expiration of the term of office resolved by the Annual Meeting for the holder whose office has become vacant. The appointee to any casual vacancy shall be deemed to have held office since the Annual Meeting at which the Director whose place he has taken was elected. - REMOVAL OF DIRECTOR
The Association in General Meeting may by resolution remove any Director before the expiration of his/her period of office and appoint another person in his/her stead. The person appointed shall for all purposes be treated as if he/she were appointed to a casual vacancy under the preceding Rule. - MEETINGS OF BOARD
(a) The Board shall meet together for the dispatch of business as often as the Chairperson or in his absence the Secretary /Treasurer shall deem necessary but no less than one in every month. At least three (3) day’s notice shall be given to each Director and the Board may adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit.
(b) A quorum of Directors of the Board shall be four (4) Directors present throughout the relevant meeting.
(c) At every meeting of the Board the Chairperson and her Secretary /Treasurer shall preside and in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Secretary /Treasurer the Directors present shall choose one of their number to be Chairman of such meeting.
(d) Questions arising at any meetings of the Board shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the case of any equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
(e) The Board may conduct meetings by telephone or email or facsimile. Resolutions of the Board meeting in this manner must be confirmed in writing and circulated to all Directors. - VALIDATION OF ACT OF BOARD
All acts done at any meeting of the Board shall (notwithstanding that it is afterwards discovered there was some defect in the appointment of the Board or any Member thereof or that any Member was disqualified), be as valid as if every such Member had been properly appointed and was qualified to act as a Director. - QUORUM AND PROCEDURE OF MEETINGS OF SUB-BOARDS
(a) The Sub-Boards of the Association shall meet together for the dispatch of business as often as the Chairperson of that Sub-Board or in her absence the Deputy Chairperson of that Sub-Board shall deem necessary. The Sub-Board may adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit.
(b) A quorum of Members of the Sub-Board shall be no less than four (4) Members present throughout the relevant meeting.
(c) At every meeting of the Sub-Board the Chairperson and in her absence the Deputy Chairperson shall preside and in the absence of both the Chairperson and the Deputy Chairperson the Members present shall choose one of their Member to be their chairperson of such meeting.
(d) Questions arising at any meetings of the Sub-Board shall be decided by a majority of votes and in the case of any equality of votes, the Chairperson of the Sub-Board shall have a second or casting vote. - MINUTES.
The Board shall cause to be kept a minute book showing the resolutions proposed and passed and all other proceedings at Board meetings. - AUDIT
At least once in each year the accounts of the Association shall be examined by the Auditor appointed under these Rules who shall also certify that the balance sheet, profit and loss account and accompanying accounts and schedules to be submitted to the Annual Meeting are a fair and true representation of the situation of the Association. - AUDITOR MAY BE MEMBER
(a) The Auditor may be a Member of the Association, however he may not be the public officer or a Member of the Board of the Association, but no person shall be eligible as Auditor who is interested otherwise than as a Member in any transaction of the Association. The Auditor may be paid for his services such sum as the Board may from time to time determine.
(b) The Auditor is to be appointed at each Annual Meeting in accordance with Rule 23 of these Rules and may be removed from office by a resolution of the Members passed at General Meeting. - CASUAL VACANCY
Any casual vacancy occurring in the office of Auditor shall be filled by a qualified accountant appointed by the Board for that purpose. - LIST OF BOOKS
The Association shall deliver to the Auditor a list of all books of account and records kept by the Association and the Auditor shall at all reasonable times have access to the books and accounts of the Association. The Auditor may employ persons to assist him in investigating such accounts and may in relation to such accounts examine the Board or any employee of the Association. - AUDITOR’S REPORT
The Auditor shall make a report to the Members upon the balance sheet and accounts to be submitted to every Annual Meeting and in every such report shall state whether in his/her opinion they are properly drawn up to exhibit a true and correct view of the Association’s affairs. - COMMON SEAL
The Common Seal of the Association (“Common Seal”) shall be in circular form with the words “Common Seal” in the centre thereof and the words “Transparency Vanuatu” around the margin and the Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a record of all documents to which the seal shall be affixed. The Common Seal shall be used only by authority of the Board and every instrument to which the Common Seal is affixed shall
be signed by two (2) Directors of the Board or two (2) persons appointed by the Board for that purpose. The Secretary/Treasurer shall have custody of the common seal. - ACCOUNTS
The Chairperson of the Association shall, by initialling all accounts certify to their correctness both as to the quantity of goods or services received and the price charged and all accounts shall be passed for payment by the Board and paid by cheque drawn in accordance with Rule 46. - AUTHORISED SIGNATURES
The Chairperson and Treasurer shall be authorised to draw, make, accept, endorse and issue negotiable securities or instruments of whatsoever kind or nature and in their absence the Treasurer, the Secretary and one Director shall be authorised to sign or endorse any such instruments. - FINANCIAL YEAR
The financial year of the Association shall commence on 1 January and shall end on 31 December in any calendar year. - ALTERATION OF RULES
No object, power or rule of the Association shall be repealed or amended and no new object, power or rule shall be made except upon a resolution carried by a majority of three-quarters of the Members present and voting at a Annual Meeting the notice of which shall have set out the extent of the proposed repeal or amendment or new
provision. The effectiveness of any such alteration of these Rules shall be subject to any approval required under the Charitable Associations (Incorporation) Act [Cap140]. - DISSOLUTION
The Association may be dissolved or wound up by a resolution at any Annual Meeting called for such purpose. - DISPOSITION OF ASSETS
If upon the dissolution or winding up of the Association there remains after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property or monies whatsoever, shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members of the Association but shall be given or transferred to some other Association, Club or Institution having objects similar, wholly or in part, to the objects of the Association and which shall prohibit the distribution of its or their income and property among its or their Members, or to some charitable object or objects which Association, Club, Institution or objects shall be determined by the Members of the Association at or before the time of dissolution or winding up or in default thereof or if and, in so far as effect cannot be given to such determination, then payment of or distribution shall be determined by a Judge of the Supreme Court. - LIABILITY OF MEMBERS
The liability of Members upon the dissolution or winding up of the Association shall be limited to the extent of their contributions to the Association. - INTERPRETATION
The interpretation by the Board of the Rules of the Association shall be final and binding upon all Members. - BOARD OFFICERS
The first Directors shall be as required by Schedule 1 of Cap 140 Application for Incorporation of the Committee of a Charitable Association. - FIRST DIRECTORS
The first Directors or Members will be appointed for a period of 9 months, at which time an election will take place in accordance with the articles of the association.
The first Directors or Members will also be the Members of the Committee applied for the incorporation of the charitable Association of Transparency Vanuatu and will be known as the Founder Members attached as Schedule 1. - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER
The Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) shall be appointed by the Board and shall report directly to the Board and the Chairperson as set out in the Terms of Reference of Employment and Duties of Employment pursuant to a contract to be agreed by the Board.
Transparency International calls on governments in Asia Pacific to strengthen their right to information systems and make information more accessible to the public. Laws need to be better implemented by public officials and used more widely by citizens, civil society and the media, according to a new report featuring 11 country-level case studies released to mark International Right to Know Day on 28 September.
Laws allowing the public to petition their government for information are currently in force in eight of the 11 countries assessed. However, existing legal provisions are full of restrictions and loopholes and do not promote transparency in most countries.
Vague, overly broad or controversial exceptions are abundant in the right to information laws of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Maldives, Mongolia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Tests to balance the public interest of disclosing or withholding information are missing from most laws, or cover only a limited number of exceptions in Mongolia, Nepal and Pakistan.
“Several of the countries assessed in this report have recently been rocked by corruption scandals involving senior officials and political leaders. Most continue to score poorly on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. A well-functioning right to information system is critical for exposing and deterring abuses of power and for supporting the fight against corruption,” said Delia Ferreira Rubio, Chair of Transparency International.
More than half of the countries assessed are yet to establish a standalone information commission or commissioners to safeguard this right, train officials, promote the law and monitor its application. Most of those that have been established need to be more independent, or given stronger powers.
The report also highlights that freedom of expression – which is vital for the effective use of right to information legislation – is limited or under threat in several of the countries assessed.
“This International Right to Know Day, Transparency International urges citizens to find out about the laws in their country and exercise their right to information. In countries where laws do not yet exist, governments must act quickly to grant their citizens this important human right,” added Ferreira Rubio.
Right to Information in Asia Pacific: How 11 Countries Perform on SDG 16.10 evaluates and makes recommendations for right to information systems in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Maldives, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu and Vietnam.
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Transparency International Secretariat
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Title of Consultancy: Transparency International Vanuatu Management Accounts
Application Closing Date: 30/09/2018
Duration: Approximately 15 days
Consultancy Start and End Date: approx. 01/10/2018– 31/10/2018
Location of Consultancy: Port Vila, Vanuatu.
Transparency International (TI) is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption. In collaboration with more than 100 chapters worldwide and an international secretariat in Berlin, Germany, TI raises awareness of the damaging effects of corruption and works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to tackle it.
Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) is a non-governmental organization based in Port Vila, Vanuatu, and the accredited National Chapter of TI in Vanuatu. TIV is seeking an external consultant to assist in the production of its organizational financial statements for the period 2015 – 2017. The production of yearly accounts, including total income and expenditure, and an external verification of these accounts, is a requirement for TIV’s continued accreditation as a National Chapter of the TI movement.
Currently, TIV does not have capacity to produce organization-wide accounts and is therefore seeking an external consultant to assist in their production.
The consultant will be appointed by TIV, through funding provided the Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S), in order to provide accounting services under the terms established below. The consultant will provide the deliverables identified below under a), b) and d) to both TI-S and TV during the month of October 2018.
Scope of the accounting services
The Compilation of a set of financial statements for the 36-month period beginning on 01-01-2015 and ending 31-12-2017 based on the following criteria, established by TI-S.
- The financial statements will be compiled on a cash basis, and include:
- Disclosure of the complete cash available, at bank and on hand, at the beginning and at the end of the period, agreed to the respective statements received from the bank and with a signed petty cash count.
- Complete disclosure of the transactions for the period, including:
- All receipts of income, differentiated as Grant Income, Finance Income, Memberships and Donations, Other Income. In dedicated notes, any receipt of Grant Income and Donation Income higher than 12,500 VATU will be disclosed separately, with indication of the Donor and the related project. Any receipt of Other Income higher than 50,000 VATU will be disclosed separately, with indication of the origin and rationale.
- All payments occurring during the period, differentiating by nature in reasonable detail and at a minimum: Staff Costs, Office Running Costs, Finance Costs and Other Costs. With reference to project-related expenditure, in a separate note, the accountant will indicate the total costs incurred by project.
To support the financial statement, the consultant will:
- ensure that a complete set of bookings, identifying each underlying transaction, is available and
- ensure that the transactions identified are traceable to supporting documentation that can be adequately substantiated in case of independent verification.
To collect the documentation under b.), the consultant will rely on the support provided by the staff of TV, and will have access to their premises. In the case of transactions being noted where adequate supporting documentation is not available, the consultant will produce:
- a list of inadequate substantiated transactions, indicating their amount, date, nature, documentation available (if any) and rationale for missing documentation as provided by TV.
The compilation of the financial statements is expected to take place in October, to allow an audit to take place in November/ December this year.
Qualifications of the consultant
- The consultant is a professional with at least five years experience in bookkeeping.
- The consultant has proven expertise in the preparation of fund accountability statements, of project-accounting and of liaison with external auditors for verification, which must be documented in their CV.
Application Process
Please send your cover letter outlining daily fees and expected number of days, CV and 2 references from previous clients to by 30 September 2018.
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When, while the lovely valley teems with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of bliss; and then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in my soul and absorb its power, like the form of a beloved mistress, then I often think with longing, Oh, would I could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me, that it might be the mirror of my soul, as my soul is the mirror of the infinite God!
O my friend — but it is too much for my strength — I sink under the weight of the splendor of these visions! A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.
I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
When, while the lovely valley teems with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of bliss; and then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in my soul and absorb its power, like the form of a beloved mistress, then I often think with longing, Oh, would I could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me.
Developing Your Critical Thinking Skills
When, while the lovely valley teems with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of bliss; and then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in my soul and absorb its power, like the form of a beloved mistress, then I often think with longing, Oh, would I could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me, that it might be the mirror of my soul, as my soul is the mirror of the infinite God!
O my friend — but it is too much for my strength — I sink under the weight of the splendor of these visions! A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.
I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
When, while the lovely valley teems with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of bliss; and then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in my soul and absorb its power, like the form of a beloved mistress, then I often think with longing, Oh, would I could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me.