
TIV Completes 7 Adaptive Leadership Training’s For Efate & Offshore Island Chiefs

FOR THE LAST few months Transparency International Vanuatu (TIV) and the Pacific Leadership Program (PLP) had been working in partnership with the Executive of the Vaturisu Council of Chiefs to train chiefs around the island of Efate and its offshore islands on the Adaptive Leadership theory…

Photos: Right To Information Law Community Awareness –  Malekula Island  

Awareness session at Lakatoro Market House.

A Team from Transparency International Vanuatu was recently on the island of Malekula conducting community awareness’s on the Right To Information Law from the 2nd to the 9th of April 2017.

The trip to the island of Malekula was made possible through funding support from the Pacific Leadership Program (PLP).

These are a few of the photos from that activity. 

Photos taken on a phone camera.

Traveling by boat to inform people from the offshore islands of Malekula.
Mother and her baby at Lakatoro.
Citizens being informed.
Distributing RTI Posters.
Raising the Right To Information message at Lakatoro.
Putting up posters at Potovro, Malekula.
Informing whoever we come across.
Right To Information Law is ‘The Peoples Law’.
The people have the right to know.
Distributing posters and brochures along the roads.
Vendor at Lakatoro Market House getting informed.
Matanvat, North West Malekula

Rensarie College.
Informing students and teachers at Rensarie College.

RTI Law Awareness & Adaptive Leadership Training For Luganville Youth Council

This week the TIV Awareness Team has collaborated with the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development to deliver Civic Education, Anti-Corruption, and Right To Information Law information to the over 200 youth volunteers who helped out to deliver the National Games in 2016 hosted by Luganville City.